Can Curly Hair Turn Straight? Exploring the Issue

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Curly hair has always been admired for its unique beauty and versatility.

However, can curly hair turn straight? Is it even possible for it to undergo such a dramatic change? 

In this article, we’ll delve into the intriguing topic of curly hair turning straight.

A young woman on a gray background is touching her curly hair

We’ll explore the reasons behind this transformation and the factors that can influence it. 

So if you’re wondering, “Can my curly hair turn straight?” read on!

This article will help you gain a deeper understanding of this issue and find out how to restore your beautiful curls.

Understanding Curly Hair

Before we learn about whether curly hair can turn straight, we need to understand the science behind this particular hair type.

Curly hair is a beautiful and unique hair type that requires specific care and maintenance.

The curl pattern and thickness of curly hair can vary greatly from person to person. 

The natural shape of the hair follicle and the bonds within the hair strands contribute to the curliness of one’s hair. 

curl pattern chart infographic

The Hair Follicles of Curly Hair

The follicles of curly hair are more curved or elongated with an oval or asymmetrical shape.

This causes the hair strand to grow out at an angle instead of growing out straight, resulting in a natural curl.

On the other hand, straight hair follicles are rounder, allowing the hair strand to grow directly out of the scalp, resulting in a straight appearance.

The Bonds in Curly Hair

The disulfide bonds in the hair are responsible for maintaining its shape and structural integrity. These bonds can be broken and reformed, allowing for temporary physical changes in the hair. 

Heat-styling tools such as flat irons or curling wands use heat to break and reshape these bonds, allowing you to temporarily straighten curly hair.

Can Curly Hair Turn Straight?

Now let’s get to the main question: can your curly hair turn straight? 

While it’s relatively uncommon for naturally curly hair to turn straight completely, there are instances where individuals may find that their curly hair becomes straight or appears straighter over time. 

This may be due to internal factors, such as aging and hormonal changes. 

However, external factors can also contribute to this issue, such as excessive heat styling using blow-dryers and flat irons or chemical treatments like relaxers and keratin treatments. ‘

It’s important to note that this change is usually reversible, and the hair’s natural curl pattern can return with time and proper care.

Why Your Curly Hair Is Turning Straight: Factors That Influence This Change

If you’ve noticed that your curly hair has become straighter, there could be several reasons behind it. 

Here are a few of them:

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations during various life events, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can significantly impact the appearance of the hair, especially in individuals with curly hair. 

These changes in hormone levels have distinct effects on the hair follicles and the scalp’s sebum production, leading to alterations in the curl pattern.

Impact on Hair Follicles and Hair Growth

Among the key hormones affected by these fluctuations are estrogen and androgens like dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Elevated levels of estrogen have been linked to promoting hair growth and contributing to the overall health and thickness of the hair. 

As a result, individuals may experience enhanced curliness and volume in their hair during periods when estrogen levels are higher.

Conversely, the increase in androgen levels in the body — particularly the rise of DHT during menopause — can negatively impact hair follicles. 

The rise in androgen levels can lead to a condition called androgenetic alopecia or female pattern hair loss, which causes the follicles to shrink in size.

This can contribute to hair loss and hair thinning and make the hair grow finer and more brittle

While it may not directly cause curly hair to become straight, it may weaken the hair and thus make it incapable of holding curls. 

This can potentially make the curls appear looser, less dense, or less defined, giving the impression of less plump curls.

Impact on Sebum Production

Moreover, hormonal changes can also impact the production of sebum, the natural oil secreted by the scalp’s sebaceous glands.  

Sebum plays a crucial role in moisturizing and nourishing the hair, helping to maintain its elasticity and curl. 

Reduced sebum production can contribute to dryness and frizziness, which can affect the curl pattern’s appearance, making it look less defined.


Many people notice that their hair becomes thinner, finer, or drier as they get older

This is because as we age, the production of sebum tends to diminish, resulting in drier and more brittle hair strands. 

This decrease in moisture can cause the curls to relax, making the hair appear straighter than before.

Additionally, aging can affect the structure of hair follicles. It can make them more susceptible to damage, leading to alterations in the pattern of the hair. 

As a result, the curls may lose their tightness and become looser, ultimately contributing to a straightening effect.

Environmental Factors 

The environment we live in can have a notable influence on the condition and texture of our hair, including its curliness. 

Exposure to various environmental elements like the sun, humidity, and pollutants can lead to both short- and long-term changes in the appearance of curly hair.


High humidity is one environmental factor that can significantly impact curly hair. 

When exposed to humid conditions, the excess moisture in the air can penetrate the hair shaft, causing it to swell and weigh on your curls, making them lose their defined curl pattern. 

As a result, curly hair may appear looser and straighter, with a tendency to become frizzy and unruly.


Excessive sun exposure is another environmental factor that affects curly hair. 

The sun’s rays can be drying to the hair, leading to moisture loss and damage to the hair cuticles. 

When the hair cuticles are damaged, the hair strands may become rough and uneven, losing their ability to maintain a strong curl pattern. 

Instead, the hair may appear limp and straighter due to the lack of defined curls.


Furthermore, exposure to environmental pollution can also impact hair health and texture.

Air pollutants, such as dust, smoke, and particulate matter, can accumulate on the hair and scalp, leading to buildup

This buildup can weigh down the hair and interfere with its natural curl pattern, causing it to look flatter and less defined.

While dryness and damage caused by environmental factors can make curly hair appear straighter, it’s important to note that these effects are usually temporary. 

With proper care and hair care routines tailored to address these environmental challenges, the hair’s natural curl pattern can be restored over time.

Heat Styling and Chemical Treatments

a hairdresser straightening the hair of a girl with curly hair in a salon

Additionally, excessive heat styling and chemical treatments can also damage the hair and cause a loss of curl pattern, which can lead to straighter-looking hair.

Regular use of heat-styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can alter the structure of the hair, making it lose its curliness. 

And as mentioned, chemical treatments like relaxers, perms, and hair dyes can break the bonds in the hair.

So if they’re used excessively, they can cause curly hair to turn limp and less defined, making them appear straighter.

Hair Care Practices

The way you care for your hair can influence its curliness. 

Certain habits, such as using harsh shampoos, products with drying ingredients, and rough towel-drying or brushing, can lead to dryness and breakage.

Dryness and damage resulting from these practices do not directly alter the curl pattern.

However, they can affect the curls’ definition and elasticity, causing the curls to become less prominent and potentially appear flatter or straighter.

So if you’ve found that your curly hair has gone straight and frizzy, your daily hair care routine may be the culprit.

Nutritional Factors 

Your diet and overall nutrition can impact the health and texture of your hair. 

Nutrient deficiencies, particularly those related to vitamins, minerals, and proteins, can weaken the hair strands and lead to increased brittleness or dullness.

While brittleness and dullness may not straighten curly hair per se, they can affect its overall texture and visual appeal. 

The weakened strands may have difficulty holding a curl, leading to a flatter and less voluminous appearance, creating the illusion of straighter hair.

Health Conditions 

Certain health conditions like hypothyroidism and autoimmune disorders or medical treatments like chemotherapy can indeed cause changes in hair growth and even the hair’s appearance. 


Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by an underactive thyroid gland that does not produce enough thyroid hormones. 

These hormones are vital for regulating cell growth in different parts of the body, including the hair follicles. 

With an insufficient supply of thyroid hormones, hair follicles may enter a resting phase, leading to reduced hair growth and changes in texture

The hair may become dry, brittle, and more susceptible to breakage, potentially relaxing or loosening the curl pattern and making the hair look straighter.

Autoimmune Disorders

On the other hand, autoimmune disorders involve the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissues, which can include hair follicles. 

For instance, in conditions like alopecia areata, the immune system targets hair follicles, leading to hair loss and thinning. 

And studies show that when alopecia areata is treated, new hair may grow back in areas that suffered from hair loss, but its shape, texture, and overall appearance may differ. 

For instance, an individual with curly hair may see the growth of straight hair in affected spots. 

Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy

Medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy can indeed lead to temporary or permanent hair loss and physical changes in the hair. 

These treatments target rapidly dividing cells, and since hair follicles are some of the fastest-growing cells in the body, they can be affected. 

As a result, patients undergoing these treatments may experience hair loss, and when the hair regrows, its texture and curl pattern may be different due to the impact on hair follicles during the treatment.

While it is more common for straight hair to grow back curly after chemo, not all individuals experience the same change. 

Some people may see this change in reverse, namely going from curly hair to straight instead.

Meanwhile, other individuals may not experience a significant change in the appearance of their hair at all. 

Common Myths and Misconceptions

The topic of whether curly hair can turn straight often gives rise to myths and misconceptions.

It’s essential to separate fact from fiction to gain a better understanding of changes in curly hair. 

Let’s debunk a few common myths:

Myth: Curly Hair Can Turn Straight on Its Own Overnight

The truth is changes like this don’t happen overnight. Instead, the relaxation in the pattern of curly hair occurs gradually because it’s influenced by various factors.

Myth: Curly Hair Can Turn Straight Permanently Due to Chemical Treatments

While some chemical treatments can temporarily straighten curly hair, their straightening effects are not permanent. The hair’s real pattern will grow out or revert over time. 

However, getting regular chemical treatments may create a lasting change in the curliness of your hair, which is why it’s crucial to keep treatments few and far between.

Myth: Heat Styling Can Permanently Straighten Curly Hair

Excessive heat styling can damage the hair and temporarily alter its appearance, but it can’t make curly hair turn straight permanently. 

That said, as with chemical treatments, regular heat styling can damage the hair, which can have a negative impact on its curliness.

The good news is with proper care, this can be restored.

a young woman smiling sideways while hairstylist is straightening her hair with a hair iron

How To Restore Your Curl Pattern 

Now that you know that curly hair can turn straight over time or lose its definition due to various factors, it’s time to discuss the measures you can take to help restore its natural curl pattern and texture. 

Here are a few of the easiest ways to do this:

Trim and Shape

Consider getting a haircut that complements your natural curl pattern.

Trimming your hair can help get rid of any damaged or straightened ends, allowing healthier curls to emerge. 

Work with a skilled hairstylist who understands curly hair and has the expertise to shape your locks to accentuate your curls’ bounce and volume.

Moisturize and Hydrate

Curly hair tends to be more prone to dryness and frizz, which can make it lose its definition and curliness. Invest in moisturizing and hydrating products specifically formulated for curly hair. 

Use sulfate-free shampoos and nourishing conditioners that won’t strip your hair of its moisture but lock in hydration instead. 

Also, incorporate deep conditioning treatments into your regular hair care routine to replenish your hair’s moisture balance and restore softness.

Use Curl-Defining Products

Opt for curl-enhancing products like creams, gels, or mousses designed to define and hold your curls’ shape. 

Apply these products to damp hair and use a gentle scrunching motion to encourage your curls to form naturally. 

Try the “Plopping” Method

Try the “plopping” technique to encourage your curls to form without causing unnecessary stress. 

Plopping involves gently wrapping your damp hair in a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt to set the curls and minimize frizz. This method can help you achieve more defined and bouncier curls.

Brush and Dry Your Hair With Care

If you use a hair dryer, use a diffuser attachment on a low heat setting to gently dry your curls.

The diffuser disperses the airflow evenly, reducing frizz and preserving your curl pattern. Avoid excessive heat and rough towel-drying, as they can lead to straightening and damage.

Additionally, avoid brushing your curly hair when it’s dry, as this can disrupt the curl pattern and lead to frizz.

Protective Hairstyles

Consider protective hairstyles like braids, twists, or buns to safeguard your curls from external stressors. 

Protective styles can also help maintain your curl pattern and prevent excessive manipulation and breakage.

Limit Heat Styling

Reduce the use of heat-styling tools like flat irons and curling wands, especially if your hair still hasn’t returned to its natural pattern. 

If you must use heat, always apply a heat protectant product beforehand and keep the heat to a minimum by using lower heat settings. 

Be Patient and Consistent

Restoring your natural curl pattern may take time, especially if your hair has undergone significant changes. 

Be patient and consistent with your hair care routine and styling techniques.

Regularly nourishing and caring for your hair will gradually help your curls regain their shape and vibrancy.

A woman is combing her curly hair with a wooden comb.

How To Transform Your Hair Safely

If you’re considering transforming your hair from curly to straight, it’s crucial to prioritize the health and integrity of your hair throughout the process. 

Here are some essential tips to safely achieve your desired look:

Consult a Professional 

If opting for chemical treatments, such as perms or relaxers, consult with a professional and ensure the process is performed by an experienced stylist.

Follow the aftercare instructions diligently to maintain the health of your hair.

Moisturize and Condition Your Hair

After your hair undergoes styling treatments, moisturizing it regularly is crucial to ensure it can get back to its natural pattern and maintain optimal health. 

Use hydrating shampoos and conditioners, deep conditioning masks, and leave-in treatments to keep your hair nourished and hydrated.

Embracing Your Natural Texture With Confidence

So can curly hair turn straight naturally?

Well, now we know the answer to that is yes, certain factors can contribute to curly hair appearing straighter. But we also know that permanent curl pattern changes are rare.  

We hope our discussion on how and why curly hair can turn straight because of hormonal fluctuations, environmental influences, and hair care practices has given you insight into this issue.

But if you’re experiencing changes in your curl pattern, don’t worry.

You can seek support from hair care specialists and adopt appropriate hair care routines to help restore and maintain the health, definition, and vibrancy of your curls!

Remember, our hair is an integral part of who we are, and your hair’s natural curls deserve the best care to ensure they always look and feel their best.  

Want More Hair Care Tips?

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  • Stephanie Martin

    Stephanie Martin blends her beauty industry background with expertise in communications to lead in the fashion and beauty world. As a fashion and beauty editor, she is known for engaging and informative articles. Her lifelong passion for fashion, makeup, and hair shines through her work, earning her widespread respect among readers and clients. Stephanie's style, a mix of classic and contemporary, makes her a dynamic and influential figure in the industry, inspiring others with her knowledgeable and approachable insights.

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  • Jessica Hoelscher

    With thirteen years in cosmetology, Jessica Hoelscher is a seasoned stylist recognized for her modern techniques. A graduate of Paul Mitchell the School in St. Louis, her expertise has been showcased on Fox Two News and in People Magazine. Self-employed at Salon Lofts, her work has graced TV screens, styling for renowned events and Ole Miss cheerleaders.

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