Search Results for: acne


Julie Hewett Los Angeles – review

Julie Hewett is an artist, but you won’t see her work hanging in a museum. You will, however, see it on movie screens with the faces of many of today’s leading ladies as her canvas. I remember first hearing of Julie Hewett back in 2001 when a little movie called Pearl Harbor came out. I…


Kate Somerville Exfolikate & Line Release review

The life of a celebrity, wouldn’t it be great? Only the good parts though; lack of a private life, stalkers, press junkets, we’ll skip all of those things. I’m talking about people begging you to wear their clothes and jewels. Jet setting around the globe. Guest lists galore. But the perk that I think is…


B. Kamins Lactic and Glycolic Peels

When Ilissa from B. Kamins said she was sending us their acne line for review, I was happy. But when she added that she’d like to send us their range of peels as well, I was ecstatic. I LOVE Peels! Give me a hard-working product, one that you can actually feel working on your face…