15 Types of Hair Clips and Pins + How to Style Them
Hair clips and pins go a long way back. Prehistoric people used sticks and small rocks. Ancient Greeks and Romans used twigs. African people used bones. Ancient Chinese used metal sticks. The list goes on and on. The point is, our ancestors have experimented with ways to keep their hair out of their faces. And…

16 Hairspray Alternatives: Store-Bought And DIY
Looking for hairspray alternatives? Whether you’ve run out of hairspray or decided not to use it anymore, know that you’re not alone. In fact, a lot of people are starting to use other products to keep their hair in place. Some ditched hairspray because it has harmful ingredients that dry out or irritate the hair…

The Karen Haircut: What It Is And 5 Karen Haircuts To Avoid
“Karens” are something we’ve come to dread. You know, the women always asking for the manager and demanding things they’re not entitled to? The ones where everything has to be their way, or they’ll throw a fit? Yeah, those are Karens. For good reason, Karen memes are prevalent in today’s society. The classic “Karen” is…

What Is A Trim Haircut + 5 Benefits Of Hair Trimming
My first client for the day just arrived. She sat on the comfy hydraulic chair, ready and excited to have her hair done. Then when I asked her what I could do for her, she answered, “I just want a trim.” Now, as a seasoned hair stylist, I know exactly what a trim is in…

Epilator Vs Waxing: Which Is Better For Hair Removal?
Hair removal became part of women’s lives way before today’s most popular devices and methods were discovered. It started as organic as possible until modern times gave birth to more efficient ways like waxing and epilation. Let’s admit it, no matter how empowered and liberated women are when it comes to flaunting their natural bodies,…