A glowing review for Prtty Peaushun

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Prtty Peaushun product in a light-colored backgroundphotos: we heart this

Ever since I entered my 30s my skin has gone through some not-so-fun changes. Freckles, moles and marks seem to appear out of nowhere and off to the dermatologist I go running! Fortunately, they’re all normal and just “part of aging” as my doctor put it (ugh!)

So, what can you do when you’ve lost your healthy, youthful glow, you ask? The answer is to make one, with some magical Prtty Peaushun! No, I didn’t spell that wrong, Prtty Peaushun is a fun way to pronounce and spell “pretty potion”, peau coming from the French noun for skin. This body lotion was created by celebrity makeup artist Bethany Karlyn, who has worked with countless celebrities, dancers and models to make their skin glow. After years of requests to make her secret potion available to the masses, it’s finally here. And I, for one, was thrilled to try it.

Prtty Peaushun swatch

The secret behind Prtty Peaushun ($36) is subtle light reflecting particles that give skin a beautiful, flattering glow. You know that dewy, shimmer you always see on models walking the runway and on actors on TV and in the movies? That’s the glow we’re talking about, and this stuff really gives you that same shine.

The other shining thing about Prtty Peaushun is the packaging, which as they claim, is more anti-packaging. It was designed to take up minimal space, using no secondary packaging, to lighten it’s carbon footprint. It also has a cap at the top, that allows you to squeeze every last drop out of the bag…it’s really quite brilliant.

In addition, it contains natural plant extracts that help to lift, firm, and diminish the appearance of cellulite, is fragrance free and doesn’t contain any toxic ingredients.

Close up image of the text packaging of Prtty Peaushun

So, does it work? Well, while I can’t claim my cellulite is gone, the glow it gives really is gorgeous. I used a liberal amount on my chest and neck, as well as my arms, and when the light hit it, I could see an amazing shine reflecting through my mirror. I was impressed! It comes in 4 different skin tones, as well as a plain lotion for a colorless shine. I can’t wait for summer, to use it all over with sundresses and bathing suits. It’s also a really nice, moisturizing lotion, so not only do you get the glow, but it’s good for your skin too.

Prtty Peaushun swatchleft: applied, right: plain skin

I was worried about it staining clothing, etc. but I’m happy to report I didn’t have any major issues. It dries quickly and I didn’t notice much color on my clothes. Any that I did came off in the wash.

While the price isn’t the cheapest, a little of this lotion goes a long way, so I think my 8 oz. bag will last me awhile. Plus, the amount of pigment and glow I get from a small amount makes this luxury shimmer lotion worth the splurge.

Testers, do you have a glowing review for Prtty Peaushun?


  • A pink heart in a circle on a white background.

    Erin is a secondary science teacher who adores makeup and fashion. She spends her free time pursuing her other passions which include cooking, antiquing, and decorating. skin tone: NC30 skin type: oily to normal favorite beauty product: lipglosses and bronzers

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  1. I really enjoyed trying this lotion as well. It isn’t over the top but very lovely to have on the skin. The packaging is fun and super easy to use! I can’t wait to apply this to my arms and legs during the spring/summer weather. I haven’t seen any body miracles but I overall it’s pretty nice. While I did enjoy it, I don’t think I see myself buying this again due to the price. Second, although I understand the origin of its name, I kind of don’t like the purposely misspelled shorthand (or purposely misspelled things in general). 4 stars from me :)

  2. I agree the price is a little high, at least it’s a good size bag, so I know it will last awhile. I am still very impressed with the anti-packaging…very cool. I give this product a solid 4 stars, taking one away for price, but if you want a good shimmer lotion, that’s very concentrated, this is it!

  3. Unfortunately, I can relate to your “normal aging” skin woes, @spitfire77 . Glad to hear Prtty Peaushun can help restore the glow!

    And thanks for telling us how to pronounce this product—- ha, I would have gotten it completely wrong!

  4. Great review! I wonder if I would like this? Hmmm……

  5. I really love that Pretty Peaushun comes in a bag, it makes it so much easier to maximize the product you get! I tend to hack apart packaging to get everything out possible, so thanks designers for making it easier on me.

  6. I saw this on the Goop website as it was recommended by Paltrow’s workout guru, Tracy Anderson. I wanted to give it a try. Looks lovely on the skin!

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