Benefit – Hello Flawless and Erase Paste review

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Ok, beauty confession time. I hate foundation. HATE it. Not that my skin wouldn’t benefit from it, I just can’t stand the feeling of it. Subsequently, I need really good concealer and powder to make up for this aversion. Products so good, that skipping foundation is no big deal.

So, imagine my delight in receiving 2 new products from Erin and the genius folks at Benefit that fit my needs perfectly; “Hello Flawless!”, their spf 15 custom powder cover-up and Erase Paste, their brightening camouflage. I have yet to meet a Benefit product I didn’t like. I had hope hopes that the streak continued with these 2 beauties.

But first, a bit about this fun company. Founded by identical twins Jean and Jane Ford, Benefit has been a San Francisco landmark since 1976. With an equal mix of whimsy and retro, their packaging always stands out in a sea of look-alike brands. As do the products; they make very user friendly items and make sure you know exactly what to do with them, whether it’s correcting or enhancing something. And check out one of their boutiques (at left), the perfect mix of the fun and education. If you’re lucky enough to pop into any of the 12 across the country, you’ll come out happier and prettier!

First up is the Hello Flawless. Naturally sheer, this SPF 15 powder allows for buildable color so that you can use as little or as much as you want. To cover spots only, just dab them directly with a corner of the enclosed sponge. If you want an all over sheer, natural finish; use the flat brush (also enclosed) to sweep and blend the powder lightly. And if you want the whole enchilada, complete coverage; use the sponge again to apply evenly over your entire face. The most exciting thing for me is that, look at me; I’m using an SPF! I am notoriously negligent at using any because I had the way it feels on my face. This just feels like…gloriously silky powder.

But girl does don’t live by powder alone, so Benefit created Erase Paste a concentrated, super creamy, blendable concealer that brightens & camouflages all-in-one. Sounds like a miracle product right? Well…it kind of is! I watched something miraculous happen right in front of my eyes when I saw wht member Susan use this. She went into the bathroom with this, looking kind of sleepy (as she just woke after our girls night out) and came out with rather perfect looking skin; bright eyes and blemish free. We both raised our eyebrows at the results and I made mental note to grab one of these for myself before sending them out to testers!

Review Team: what did you think of Benefit’s 2 latest complexion products? Are you looking rather flawless yourself?


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. No big surprise, I thought both products were pretty great…

    The Hello Flawless is amazing. Light and silky with really great coverage. The big point for me (which I mention above) is that it has SPF hidden in it. Because if I hate foundation, I LOATHE SPF (so bad, I know). Any product that can get me to wear some gets big thumbs up from me. My only complaint on this product is the brush. It’s not very soft. And I am really spoiled with some lovely brushes. No worries though, I just don’t use it!

    The Erase Paste takes a bit of practice. But once you master it, oh, will you be happy! It’s kind of a cross between foundation and concealer, like a soft concealer. And I think you could hide just about anything with this lil’ miracle pot. Yet somehow, it doesn’t look cakey. Good stuff!

  2. Great blog and I discovered you through Karen’s MBB!

    So my question about Erase Paste is…does it crease? My biggest issue with every single concealer I have tried is they all crease into the fine lines under and around my eyes and it drives me mad. Concealer should make you look younger not older LOL!

  3. I tested the Hello Flawless powder in Honey. I love the cute little hidden compartment that holds the sponge and brush. I also love this powder and have been using it everyday since I received it. It goes on flawlessly and like Stef said doesn’t look cakey. It covers well and stays put through out the day. I also love that it has spf in it. I would buy this again in a heartbeat.

  4. Once a month I walk over to the Benefit counter. Not for me, but for a close co-worker. Somehow I’ve morphed into being moral support as gets her hairy lip waxed! YOWZA! Happily, I don’t’ have a mustache! Anyway, I was impressed with “you’re bluffing” concealing wand, it really covers any redness after she’s done getting her lip ripped off- ouch! I’ve purchased this product for two girlfriends last Christmas, they love it! I don’t’ mean to digress, but I wanted to share that! Today’s post is on Benefit’s “Hello Flawless”. A superb silky and beautiful natural powder that will surely please even the most uneven complexion in seconds. It did for me! I’m sometimes red in the face.. HA! It covers well. I never looked closely at this line, since we usually had only a few minutes to get back to the office. However, I noticed the Benefit counter is forever packed with customers. Always busy – now I know why! Benefit’s Hello Flawless with spf 15 is an awesome product to have in a pinch. Its pure genius in action! It’s a great looking compact, and is not overly bulky. I received, “Me, vain?” Champagne to review. It is a perfect match for my skin tone and there’s a match for everyone! They have six shades to make a perfect match. I’ve been using this for a few weeks now and have had many compliments on my make-up! Thank you very much! Yes, I even used this today.. I had no time for makeup this morning and thought I’d better fix my face fast. It worked perfectly, just like it says.. I loved the great full coverage-it was fast and mess free! You can apply this on bare skin, or after you use a moisturizer. I was happy it looked so natural and went on with such ease. I used the sponge this time and not the brush that also comes with it. I give this product a flawless report!

  5. I was the happy tester of the Erase Paste in Fair. I have to say how much i adore everything from Benefit – they have goof-proof products that really do what they claim! I’m a big makeup lover, but my application skills are not the best. Benefit always has items that I can use quickly and easily. The Erase Paste is another high quality and very effective product. I use it to mask dark circles and pimples with great success. The paste is a heavier, stickier texture then most concealers, which means it stays in place all day. But it is also very blendeble so you can work it into your skin to get a flawless look. This Erase Paste did a great job in not only covering my spots and dark circles, it also brightens the eye area. Love it.

    I also appreciate that the packaging includes a little spatula so that I do not need to use my fingers to scoop out the paste (which means less chance of germs in my makeup). And they also include a handy little guide for the best way to use Erase Paste to cover up imperfections. So smart and useful!

    Kelly K – I have issues with concealers creasing under my eye after a few hours too. So far, I’ve had no such problems with the erase Paste. A little goes a long way, so use sparingly, blend, blend, blend and you should be crease-free!

  6. For me the Erase Paste is so-so. I think the thick texture is really great for staying-power but it can get a little bit runny and the colors are TOO orange for everyday where if your dark circles aren’t all that severe.

  7. I received the Erase Pase in medium. I’m pretty fair but still get color because it’s always sunny here. So, a lot of time i’m stuck in between fair and medium. This medium was perfect for me. It was too dark at all for me. the color was spot on for me. I was the most excited to try it to erase the lines around my mouth. I figured there was pretty much no way that it would really “erase” them. Well, of course they didn’t disappear 100% but it was pretty close! I would say like 94%. After seeing that i did my eyes and used it to conceal some blemishes. Out of all three uses i would say that it the line erase worked the best! It does take a little practice with the amounts but its still pretty simple to figure out. For the poster above, it didn’t crease at all on me. I love Benefit products because i don’t really wear much makeup at all and i find their products to be more corrective and subtle which is what i like.

  8. So as Stef pointed out the erase paste caused my skin to actually look flawless! This is not something that is ever said to women of our family. So like everyone pointed out a little goes a long way. Just blend blend blend and all imperfections dissapear before your eyes. I had no issues with any creasing! I’d also like to let you know you can use this and it will not clog your pores.

  9. I’ve heard so many good things about the Erase Paste. I can’t wait to get to a store and check it out! And I totally agree about Benefit really concentrating on correcting flaws and making your complexion look its best with idiot proof items – they rule! And thank god they are so good because I would still want to buy everything I see with their cute, vintage looking packaging and graphics.

  10. Since becoming a mother four years ago, I gave up wearing heavy powder or liquid foundation because I always cuddling my babies close to my face and giving them kisses. I didn’t want to irritate their fragile skin. Now that they are tougher, I’ve gone back to dusting my face occasionally with powder especially now that it is warm and I’m getting oilier.

    During my foundation hiatus, I did start wearing concealer because, let’s face it, being a mom means lots of macaroni necklaces and lots of sleepless nights. I was very excited to try Benefit’s Erase Paste, because I had heard so many good things about Benefit cosmetics. I followed the instructions exactly the first day I used it—taking some up with the included spatula and warming it on the back of my hand—but it was too much product. I recommend just tossing out the spatula all together. Use your ring finger, gently dab for some product, and blend thoroughly. A little really goes a long way. By the third day, I had gotten the right amount on my finger and had no problem blending the concealer without having to wipe some away first.

    It’s a really good concealer. I would say “a great concealer” if I were one shade lighter or it were one shade darker.

  11. I also had the opportunity to try the Hello Flawless powder, which I liked. It went on so light and so airy, I was wondering if any product had actually gotten on my brush. lol. I didn’t like the brush that came with it, so I use one of my own face powder brushes. Now that the weather is warm and I have more color to my face, I lightly dusted a bronzer over the powder so it wouldn’t appear to light. In the winter, I’d probably wear it alone.

    When I washed my face at night, there wasn’t a lot of product left on my washcloth so it is indeed a light product. Very good.

  12. I can’t even explain how much I love Hello Flawless.
    I tried it in (01 – me vain? – neutral champagne / for very light complexions) & the color match is perfect for my fair irish skin! The fact it has spf 15 is a bonus on top of the fact that it truly leaves your skin looking flawless and smooth. I also like how it comes with a sponge and a brush so you can go heavy or feathery light. It has great staying power, and doesn’t look at all heavy or cakey, as some powders can. I am with Stef, I never met a Benefit product I didn’t love. Hello Flawless is the latest addition to my list of Benefit go to products! 5 stars from me! :)

    oh and of course the packaging is Adorable! I have to say Benefit packaging is my favorite among all the makeups out there, always so feminine and sassy.
    Oh how I heart Benefit!

  13. So, I bought Erase Paste yesterday at Sephora, and I’m so disappointed! I have dry skin, and very dark circles. Thinking this would help…but it didn’t! In less than 3 minutes it comes off, and it doesn’t hide anything! My L’Oreal Bare Naturale works 100 times better than this! Maybe its my technique or something, but ew! I better get the right technique or I’m complaining to benefit! It sucked! Out of 5 stars, i give it…a 1.3…maybe less than that. Ugh! If anyone has any tips to applying this! Please tell me! My dark circles are redish.

  14. Hi Vanessa,
    I’m not sure I can be much help as I don’t use this under my eyes. I use it with a concealer brush on blemishes and spots of discoloration. I can say that the little spatula it comes with doesn’t work for application, it gives you too much product. I found I needed far less than what it scooped up. But it doesn’t seem like too much product is your problem, your problem is that it doesn’t last. Would some sort of primer help it to stick? Or a powder to set it?

    But I’d def. say you should contact Benefit if you’re not happy. They may have a hint I didn’t mention.

    Sorry it didn’t work for you. That always stinks!

  15. I bought both the flawless powder and the erase paste when I was is LA several months ago…I am addicted! The powder makes my skin look perfect and the paste make the dark circles under my eyes dissapear…I would recommend it to anyone…It’s the best combination I have used to date…

  16. I just purchased the hello flawless today. I was curious how others wear it, do you use a lotion or a primer under it?

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