BPAL Jezebel – perfume oil review

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For beautiful troublemakers everywhere

Cunning, ruthless, reprehensible, wicked; these are some of the BETTER descriptions of Jezebel…

History does not paint a pretty picture of her. She’s seen as a fallen queen of Israel who encouraged her husband King Ahab to worship not the God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, but Baal, a powerful deity of storms and fertility.

It’s kind of the equivalent of Michele Obama saying “you know what, that Satan is really pretty great!”

She’s no saint, that’s for sure. In her rule of power she had many of Yahweh’s prophets murdered. But her death is a particularly gruesome one, even by biblical standpoint. Pushed to her death, her corpse was left to be eaten by wild dogs. “The dogs shall devour the flesh of Jezebel…and the carcass of Jezebel shall be like dung on the ground…so that none will be able to say: ‘This was Jezebel.'” Dude, that’s harsh.

But first, knowing that her death was emanate, Jezebel dressed in her finery; wig, make-up and jewelry, so that she could leave life like the queen that she was.

This primping may be what lead to more current day representations of a “Jezebel.” Merriam-Webster lists the name as synonymous with bimbo, hoochie, hussy, slut, tramp, trollop, wench, whore etc. Hmmm…

What’s known for sure, she’s not a woman who did what she was supposed to. And if I can get all feminist up in here for a minute, a lot of men don’t like that. Hell, a lot of PEOPLE don’t like that.


I like BPAL’s simplified interpretation of her: “Biblical witch, priestess of Astarte, and general troublemaker.” And, as it turns out, delectably scented.

Her namesake oil is part of their Ars Amatoria collection; 51 oils that are an “exploration of love, lust, desire, longing, and despair.”

The Jezebel description is “A gloriously decadent blend of honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood.” And honestly, she had me at description alone. What a delight that the oil itself is worthy of this beautiful historic troublemaker.

Jezebel isn’t the kind of scent you apply to go to work. It’s the kind of scent you apply to be worshiped. You know, lounging on a velvet couch, being waited on…that sort of thing. This is a decadent scent if there ever was one.

It’s sweet and girly, yet warm and sexy. A definite floral, but with the honey giving it a deeper base. It’s also a teeny bit baby powder out of the bottle, but as it settles, that disappears. Jezebel has some staying power too. I was still getting compliments on this 6 hours later.

There’s something decidedly old school about Jezebel. The notes themselves have been used for eternity, but, are still used today. Classic notes that have stood the test of time. BPAL’s interpretation is a delicious one worthy of all incarnations of a Jezebel: an overthrown queen, a juke joint harlot, a headstrong shit-stirrer.


Let’s hear it for Jezebels everywhere.

Stef is many things. Amongst them: co-editor of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie.
skin tone: NC 25/30
skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea
favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. I know we can make great customised perfumes out of our own essential oils but never knew there is such type of perfume oils available . Thanx for sharing this.

  2. Did you say honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood? Oh my, I love the sound of that blend! Thankfully, my mother never called me, “Jezebel” as a young girl but I can hear it being said to some of my friends as they attempted to get all dolled up! Who needs that scaring or ridicule! LOL !

  3. Oh, that sounds absolutely and totally delicious! Anything with honey, roses & orange blossom — it couldn’t be more perfect!

  4. Oh, the temptation! Honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood… Jezebel sounds perfect. And Juke Joint Harlot would be a great band name!

  5. I mean, who WOULDN”T want to smell like a Jezebel? Especially with notes of honey and sandalwood. Also, I appreciated this mini-history lesson!

  6. You learn something new everyday! Wow, this one sounds like an amazing combo. I may have to splurge and try this one!

  7. Everyone knows that I love the stories of BPAL as much as the scents themselves. Each one is a conversation starter. I don’t think I’ve ever worn one of their scents where someone hasn’t started with “what is that?” and ended with a discussion about the fable/poem/myth/god/monster/historical event/movie character for which that particular scent was named.
    My first thought of Jezebel was Bette Davis. Whelp, that’s the movie fiend in me. She was pretty much a “shit-stirrer”in the movie by that name, as well as in her own life. I’d wear this (honey, orange blossom and sandalwood…for SURE). I’d wear it for and dedicate it to Bette. Yes, I would!

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