Don’t let a cold sore ruin your day – Abreva Conceal can help!
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I consider myself VERY lucky that I don’t get cold sores. Especially considering that it’s estimated that six in ten people carry the virus that causes them. One of my friends in high school was plagued with them. She was so horribly embarrassed by them that it wasn’t uncommon for her to avoid social situations when one popped up. Dances, sleepovers, even a trip to the shore – she just wouldn’t go.
Because back then, there was no way to hide them. Makeup would irritate them, and as anyone who has picked a pimple knows, it’s very hard to hide the dry, bumpy surface of a scab. I wish I could go back in a time machine, with Abreva Conceal in hand.
Abreva Conceal is a clear, non-medicated, side effect free patch with MicroAir technology that allows air in, but keeps contaminants out. Meaning, your cold sore is protected and you’ve got a smooth surface that you can apply makeup on to hide it.
So, how does that lil’ patch work? I’ll show you – and give you some tips I learned in the process. (Since I don’t have a cold sore, I’m placing it on a little scar I have under my lip.)
1. You want to make sure you have a clean, dry surface to start with. So wash with a mild soap and pat the area thoroughly dry.
2. Following the instructions (peel area 1, then 2, to reveal the small adhesive-tabbed patch) center the Abreva Conceal over your cold sore and press for 15 to 20 seconds to assure it stays in place. Tip: make sure it’s centered. I’ve found that for extended wear, it sticks best when you don’t apply makeup to the edges of the patch.
The patch actually feels pretty comfortable, which is surprising for a sticker on your face! It also bends with the contours of your skin and lips.
3. Now comes the concealing. Tip: I’ve found that for skin, concealer followed by powder works best. Concealer worked like a spackle that allowed me to build a thin base that took down the shine of the patch, where as foundation was too slippery. The powder sticks really well to the concealer, too.
Tip: avoid liquid makeup on your skin at the edge of the patch. As mentioned above, it wore for a longer period when the patch had clean contact with my skin. Get as close as possible to the edge, without touching it. If your cold sore is in the center of it, you won’t need to conceal anything there anyway.
4. Add your lip products. Tip: lipgloss works fabulously on the patch. It’s shiny finish blends beautifully.
You’re done! It’s not invisible, but it’s darn near close. And it is undeniably better than a cold sore. Abreva says that it lasts up to eight hours. My personal experience was about four, which included a meal and a couple of pecks from the hubby in the name of testing science.
If you’re a cold sore sufferer, you can get Abreva Conceal at, $11.49 for 6 patches. A small price to pay to not have to stay in hiding!
About: Abreva Conceal is a clean, non-medicated patch for cold sores that allows air in, yet protective enough to keep contaminants out.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Abreva via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Abreva. This post also contains an affiliate link, a link that gives us a small commission if you purchase the item. For more info, or any questions, please see our disclosure policy.
@stef –great review of this product. Just like you, I do not get cold sores. However, I have a co-worker who does and she literally lives in fear because of them. Sadly, they always seem to pop up before a big presentation or work event. This is just the kind of product she will be thrilled about trying.
Oh, I feel for your co-worker @hoa9703 – it must be stress related. It seems cold sores (and pimples) always seem to pop up for the big events; at the exact time you least want to see them!
I’m (luckily) not a cold sore sufferer either, but I do get pimples – sometimes big old nasty pimples. And I’m wondering if these brilliant little cover ups could be used over them as well? Since they’re non-medicated, I think they could be a god-send for times you just want to cover that sucker up!
Wow, I have the misfortune of getting cold sores from time to time and use Abreva….I’ll keep a look out for the concealer kind. Thanks! Great blog :)
I am late to the party, but THIS IS BRILLIANT. I don’t get cold sores, but I know friends that do and when they do it’s almost impossible to get them out of the house because they feel so embarrassed. But I’m excited to try this the next time I am plagued with a giant pimple or facial bug bite. I get bad reactions to mosquito bites and if it is on my face, when it starts to heal it will scab over and there is NO covering that sucker up with makeup because it just highlights it.
This is brilliant, I’m adding it to my bag o’ tricks! Thanks @stef!