Dove clears things up with Clear Tone Deodorant
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Dove reports that thirty two million women in the U.S. experience discoloration on their underarms. That’s a lot of underarms! They do take a beating though. You scrap a blade across them and don’t even think about moisturizing them (at least I don’t). Then you do it again a day later. And so on, and so on…
Now I’ll be honest, am I stressed out about how my armpits look? Not at all. I have so many more areas to worry about, ones that are in plain sight too. If they’re dry, stinkless and hairless, I consider myself pretty much set. But there was one ingredient on the Dove Clear Tone Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant package that got me thinking: calendula.
I am a calendula devotee for its near magical properties. Blemishes, scraps, irritations, razor burn – calendula sends it all packing. And though I’m not stressed about discoloration, I can admit to having some. Along with occasional irritation and regular dryness. So why not, I gave it a try.
It comes in three formulas (two of which sound more like fragrances than deodorant):
Skin Renew Invisible Solid – with light floral notes of violet, lilac and rose with vanilla musk
Sheer Touch Invisible Solid – with light citrus notes with hints of almond and coconut milk
Skin Renew Clinical Protection – which offers prescription strength wetness protection with the maximum level of active ingredients (20%) available without a prescription.
I chose to test the Clinical Protection, as it’s averaging 105 in the desert this time of year, so I need the big guns. I’m happy to say I have a new favorite deo! It has a fresh scent that I really like; not overly anything (floral, baby powder, etc.) And most importantly, it works. How well? A “still smelling good after a work out” kind of work.
And though I remain stressless about the way my underarms look, I can happily report that they feel a lot better using Clear Tone. Not only is the calendula soothing, but since it’s Dove (and moisture is their deal) they’ve included Sunflower Seed Extracts that help alleviate that parched feeling that shaving leaves you with. Alright, I snuck a peek. They do indeed look a bit more clear too…
we heartsters, what are your underarm concerns? If discolorations are one of them, will you be giving Dove Clear Tone a try?
Disclosure: This review includes products that were provided by the manufacturer/PR firm for our consideration. For more info, or any questions, please see our disclosure policy.
I’m glad they make it in a solid–I don’t like the other kind of deodorant.
I thought I was the only one who had discolored armpits…Weird/gross fact: For awhile, I had especially dark armpits, and they itched like crazy! (They’re still discolored now, but less so). I went to a doctor and he said I had eczema there. I didn’t even know you COULD have eczema just in your armpits… anyway, after lots of trial and error I found a deodorant that doesn’t seem to bother my pits. But if there’s a deodorant purposely meant to sooth my poor armpits, I’m on board!
This is a great idea – I have issues with underarm discoloration. Excited that this product not only sounds like an effective deodarent but COULD help my underarm concerns. YAY.
I have been using dove deo like forever it really works on me and indeed lightens my underarm. This one seems to be interesting I want to shift on this because I want a total clear whiter underarm.
I may have to pick this one up the next time I get deo. I tend to go toward the clinical versions due to my crazy sweating, and something that will help with darkness would be ideal!
While I tend to shy away from antiperspirants (I prefer natural deodorants) my husband is all about ’em, especially Dove brand! Sure, it’s supposed to be “girl” antiperspirant, but he has dry skin and most “guy” antiperspirants are too harsh on his skin. I think it’s pretty cool that they have an antiperspirant that takes care of discoloration!
One thing to keep in mind: discoloration of the armpits (or creases in the neck and inner thighs) can be a warning sign of diabetes. Other warning signs are increased thirst, increased urination, and weight loss. So even if using Dove Clear Tone Deodorant helps even out the tone of your armpits, consider seeing a doctor just in case!
I ran out of deo and bought this last night. Although I do feel I am perpetuating the beauty myth that whiter skin is prettier and more attractive, I thought I’d try it simply for the calendula and sunflower seed extract. It definitely has a light nice scent and goes on smoothly. The jury is out on the pit-whitening factor, but I’m not generally running around flashing my pits anyway!
Yeah, we prefer when people keep their pits to themselves too! :) Thanks for your comment.
i feel you about the white beauty myth but this is treatment for discoloration and uneven tone, it just tones your skin to its natrual colour again, not whiten it more then that