How to: Throw a Grease Themed Party

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Host a rocking movie night with your own Grease Sing-A-Long!

How to Throw a Grease Themed Partyphotos: we heart this

Every theme week needs an accompanying theme party, it’s we heart this law. But rather than having a Glee-specific party for Glee week, we decided to pay homage to the ultimate high school musical; Grease! (And if you thought I was going to say “High School Musical” I must ask that you stop reading this and go finish your homework.)

Here’s Sherri, creator of Musical Sunday, to let you in on why this classic was the obvious choice…
I’ve always loved a good musical. I’ve even loved many a bad musical. There’s something about belting a song at the top of your lungs while having it acted out in choreographed Ziegfeld glory or sweet-as-candy Technicolor dreaminess that touches a chord in my sensitive, sappy soul.

As a child, it seemed only my brother shared in my sensitive sappiness—it was he who took me to see Grease on the big screen when it came out in 1978. Twelve years my senior, my brother was somewhat horrified with himself for subjecting nine-year-old me to the immorality of glorifying bad Sandy. But soon I owned the soundtrack and would sing “Grease Lightning” loud and clear for my parents, long before I had a clue about “pussy wagons” or what it meant for chicks to “cream.”

Amazingly, Grease had never headlined a Musical Sunday. Was it too obvious a choice? Was the plethora of food, beverage and costume choices overwhelming? No way.

Costumes were inspiring (we even had costume changes by some ladies, ahem), food was plentiful (thanks to the continual use of the Fry Daddy), drinks were flowing (from the authentic, yet acquired taste of the Pink Ladies to the real beer floats), and songs were belted. It was definitely a musical night to remember.

Tell us about it, Stud (I mean Stef)

Singing, dancing, tons of filthy references; Grease is just a party waiting to happen! Here’s some tips to put together a soirée that’s fitting of one of the best musicals of all time.

Food ideas for a Grease themed party

Think fair food; delicious, greasy fair food. If you have a fryer, you’re in luck. If you don’t (or can’t borrow one) you may want to cancel the party. Ok, not really. But you are going to want to get out your largest pot and fill it with oil, a lot of it. Grease is the Word, after all. We made french fries, onion rings and fried avocado. But if my annual pilgrimage to the LA County Fair has taught me anything, it’s that there’s no limit to what you can fry.

For pre dinner snacking, Christy made the most amazing Caramel Corn; sweet, salty, buttery and totally adorable in the popcorn containers I found at the dollar store.

The obvious choice for our main course was hamburgers, sliders to be exact. (Make sure to check out our recipe, they’re insanely good.) I went the extra yard towards fair authenticity and bought ketchup and mustard squirt dispensers and constructed paper serving trays with a vintage hamburger stand feel via this pdf download from Bakerella.

We had to serve the 50’s cocktail classic, the Pink Lady. The only drink that could have possibly been more fitting would be one called The Danny Zuko. Our Rizzo of the night (Sherri) even bought miniature shake glasses to serve them in. The only problem? Not so tasty. Luckily we also served beer in cans (the chosen drink of high schoolers everywhere) and made beer floats (Young’s Double Chocolate Stout and vanilla ice cream). So don’t worry, no one went thirsty. For your party, I’d suggest inventing a Pink Lady 2010 (perhaps sparkling pink lemonade and vodka?)

Grease-themed party collage

A man wearing a black leather jacket and white inside shirt dancing, smilingCostumes
This may just be the best part of a theme party. And there are no shortage of costume ideas for Grease; from Pink Ladies to cheerleaders, T-Birds to boys in letterman sweaters, even teachers and coaches. I was hoping we’d have a Bowzer from Sha Na Na show up, but no such luck. Anything fun and fifties will do. Just make sure you have a camera (even if you have to block out eyes to protect the drunk…err, innocent. Like Sonny here!)

Plus, you don’t need to stick to just one costume. There’s a lot of metamorphosing going on in Grease. Sweet Sandy to Slutty Sandy, T-Bird Danny to Jock Danny, blonde Frenchie to pink-haired Frenchie; it’s endless. Or pick a new character all together and sneak off for a costume change…

Grease Frankie Avalon costume(Yep, that’s me as Frankie Avalon.)

It’s up to you how far you’d like to go here. You can go all out and create a soda shop (borrowing all the 50’s tables and chairs from friends that you can find). Or perhaps transform your living room into a high school gym sock hop (complete with streamers, balloons and confetti). Personally, I’d go the record route; Go to a thrift store and buy a box of albums (45’s if you can find them) and put them everywhere. Hang them individually on fishing line from the ceiling or from ribbon in your windows, cover your table surfaces with them. You can even create Record bowls for props or snacks.

Music and the Movie
Set up your largest TV and speakers in the party room before the guests arrive. It’s a given that you’ll need the Grease soundtrack for some pre and post movie listening. But mix in some 50’s doo-wop and crooner classics too. Now’s the time to break out the Karaoke machine as well. Turn it on after the movie, when even the most stiff of party guests will be in the mood to sing!

Extra Credit
• Blonde wigs to put on during Look at Me I’m Sandra Dee
• Carnival games (like a Ring Toss or a Duck Pond, if you have a backyard and a kiddy pool)
• a Dance Competition to see who’s the Cha Cha in your group.

Get your Grease Party Supplies at Amazon:
Grease DVD – (Rockin’ Rydell Edition) $15.49
Grease Soundtrack (from the Original 1978 Motion Picture) $10.97
Grease – Original Broadway Cast (from the Musical) $10.49

Karaoke is a Must! Various options:
Grease Karaoke Vol.1 $11.99
Sing The Hits of Grease $15.99
You Sing The Hits Of Grease $29.95

Now we’re talking – how I wish we had these wigs during our Grease party:
The Danny Zuko $16.95
The “Adult” Sandy (or as we lovingly call her “Slutty Sandy”) $18.25
• And the piece de la resistance, the complete Slutty Sandy Costume including capris, off-the-shoulder top and belt. $28.99

Any ideas of your own? We’d love to hear them! Or share your favorite Grease moment…

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  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. Looks like a blast! I love theme parties. You covered everything and spared no detail! I will definitely be trying the slider recipe too… my husband is obsessed with sliders!

  2. I am so inspired by your creativity and all your party tips! I’m also impressed by your cool collection of friends– mine would NEVER dress up for a theme party. I’m thinking of giving them all the heave-ho and making a new group of costume-friendly friends!
    BTW, “Grease is the Word” in the Food section made me laugh so loudly, my nosy coworker came over to see what was so funny!

  3. This was a party to remember… Stef’s Frankie was the Frankie to end all Frankies.. and she’s right about costume changes.. as she started out as a very sassy Sandy! Sherri rocked Rizzo and everyone had a blast.
    My face hurt for two days from laughing so hard & the food and drinks were great. I highly recommend throwing a Grease party as soon as possible.

    Wow those Wigs, Stef.. wish we’d have had those too!!
    A wig bowl by the door would be a good idea I think :)

  4. I think- no, I KNOW I would have wet my pants from laughing if I was there! Hokey smokes Stef, you look great as Frankie! What a blast!

  5. Whee – I was so excited to incorporate Sherri’s Musical Sunday idea into a wht party! And what better way to fit it into Glee Week then with the best high school musical EVER.

    Our Grease party was so much fun, and I think it’s perfect for an introduction to the musical party – EVERYBODY loves Grease. And the food and costumes come pretty easily! I think most women already have some 50’s type of clothing in their closets that can be worked into any number of characters. Sherri was a fab Rizzo with all the extras, but can be pulled off with just a few key pieces I bet we all already own – a dark, pencil skirt, a deep v sweater and a scarf.

    It’s even easier for guys – tell them to come in jeans and white tees and see how many leather biker jackets/lettermen sweaters you can dig up for your extra accessories grab bag. They will totally wear them after a cocktail or two. Oh, and supply empty packs of cigs for rolling up in tee shirt sleeves too.

    Finally, I can not stop giggling over Stef’s Frankie Avalon impression! She was the hit of the night (when she ran out of the room unexpectedly right before Beauty School Dropout we were all worried for a bit thinking the Pink Ladies may have been too much for her) but when she came out in the white suit and wig she had the whole room cheering! Good times – and we hadn’t even started the karaoke yet!!

    As an aside that Frankie wig is legendary in our circle of friends – I can’t remember why it was purchased, but it was quickly dubbed the “Mike Brady” wig. It’s totally his terrible, towards the end of the series, permed Brady hair cut. It has been used often over the years (it makes a good crotchety Aunt wig and is a nice base for many a 70’s costume) for Grease the Brady Special was was both Frankie Avalon and T-Bird Sonny!
    .-= Tyna Werner´s last blog ..How to: have a Musical Theme party =-.

  6. HOW FUN!!! I’m a Grease addict, even at 7 I always wanted to be Rizzo. So fun and sassy… I applaud you guys and your incredibly awesome party!

  7. I am laughing so hard I am crying over Stef as Frankie Avalon…I love that y’all have a Frankie Avalon/Mike Brady wig, because you never know when you might need one… :)
    Your party tips look awesome! I can’t wait to try that slider recipe and I’m sure Mike can’t wait for me to try it, either…

  8. Oh and kudos to Christy for snapping that pic of our two Frankie’s in action! You would think we had to line it all up and take a couple of tries to get such a perfect shot, but that was snapped during Frankie’s one and only performance of Beauty School Dropout. Awesome!!
    .-= Tyna Werner´s last blog ..we heart Glee =-.

  9. This was such a fun musical for which to make a theme…I still can’t believe it was a first-timer. The Musical Sunday bar just got higher.
    BTW, Rizzo’s clothes were all in my closet. Got a colored Johnny-collared shirt? Pencil Skirt? Flats? Scarf? You got Rizzo in your reach. Tyna’s right. Every girl’s closet has some of this stuff in it already, I’m sure.
    The pictures are awesome (if not necessarily flattering), too!

  10. Not flattering, whatever do you mean? Though seriously Sherri, you look fab. Now me as Frankie, that’s another story…

    This party was so much fun. My throat actually hurt the next day from laughing so hard!

    This would be (and for me, was) a great introduction to Musical Sundays. Everyone knows and loves Grease.
    .-= stef´s last blog ..The best hamburger recipe? It just might be… =-.

  11. I am a huge fan of Grease. Also have been, always will be. I think that I know all of the words.

    I have been in a ton of musicals. But I sadly never had the opportunity to do Grease. I really hope to one day come across an adult centered production of the show. Rizzo here I come!!

    This is one party that I would have loved to have been at. Wow! Everyone looked fabulous. Stef, thanks for the amazing tips. If I am lucky I will have the opportunity to have my own Grease party one day.

  12. This looks like it was fun! Grease is the best musical ever. Like Kellie, I think I know all of the words. Thanks for bringing some laughter to my day.

  13. So jealous. This party looks so fun! Stef you crack me up. LOVE both your outfits, but the Frankie one takes the cake. Still remember going to see Grease for the first time which was when I was in the second grade. I absolutely loved that movie. I so want to throw a Grease party now. I think I’d have to dress as Frenchie. I loved her :)

  14. OMG, you guys are hilarious! Looks like that party was the place to be! :)
    Even totally plastered I can probably perform the entirety of Grease and even Grease 2! Musical movies have a way of bringing everyone together in a totally hilarious way, parties based around them are sure to be a hit!
    But making a Pink Lady? That sounds like a pretty bad idea, LOL- I hate gin :P Pink Lemonade and Vodka? Amazing idea!

  15. OMG! Sorry i am just seeing and reading this and i was there! As you can see i’m in one of the pictures! I wasn’t in theme so i wasn’t supposed to be in any! I’m over it! but it was such an awesome party! Everything was spot on with the theme! I’ll admit unlike Sherri, i can’t stand musicals so i was going in with just watching a movie i hadn’t seen in years and eating junk food. But slowly i was caught up in it. Not sure if it was Stef’s slutty Sandy outfit or the amazing Frankie Valley performance either way i was hooked! Yes, that is me signing karioke with Sherri (also another thing i never do) and i even got up and danced like a fool at the end! Great night!

  16. We had a Grease themed party today. We served bowls of onion rings, and other food at lunchtime. There even was dancing in the afternoon. Plus we had a old fashioned car that was hired in order to amuse us at the event. We took a lot of photos. We then had a grease themed quiz. To top it all off we had a fancy dress competition.

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