Juice Beauty review

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Lots of companies are getting on the green bandwagon these days, and that’s great. The more healthy options we have in skincare the better. Of course everyone has tried Juice Beauty, a real leader in the movement and one of the first organic lines Sephora carried. What?! You’ve never tried Juice Beauty? Lady, pull up a chair, grab a carrot juice and let me give you the low down!

First, I want to clear up something that I have always wondered myself — what is the difference between natural and organic? The quick answer, natural = good, organic = better. Take an orange for example. An orange is natural, it’s grown in the earth and it’s not a man made substance. But a farmer may use a pesticide to keep the bugs off the trees and grow a bigger, “healthier” orange. This would mean that it’s not organic. An organic ingredient is grown without the help of pesticides or insecticides. It’s also known to have higher levels of antioxidants and vitamins.

Juice Beauty is organic. But important to note, lines with even just a few organic ingredients can call themselves that (something with less than 5% organic ingredients can still use the term.) Juice Beauty Skincare is primarily up to 95% Certified Organic, among the highest organic content in the business. And that’s all down to their powerful, patent pending organic juice base (where many skincare companies use a water base, and water can not be termed organic.)

And what’s in this base? A lot of really amazing stuff! Aloe vera, honey, botanicals, plant oils, and raw cane sugar from farms that specialize in sustainable and organic farming. Plus tropical juices farmed by indigenous people in the rainforests of Costa Rica, Guatemala and Honduras. From organic family farms in the Pacific Northwest and California. Not to mention ylang-ylang farmed from flowers in Madagascar, myrrh from Ethiopian resin and blue chamomile from blossoms in Northern Morocco.

We were lucky to get to try these wonderful ingredients first hand through a range of products from both their Core and Green Apple collections…

Oil-Free Moisturizer – lightweight yet hydrating, this balances skin and produces a matte finish. Oily girls, you CAN use moisturizer!

Blemish Clearing Serum – warm 4 to 6 drops of this apple, lemon and cane sugar blend and apply to send pimples packing!

Hydrating Mist – balance, tone and hydrate with this refreshing blend of goodness.

Green Apple Cleansing Gel – a strong but soothing cleanser that deeply cleans pores, detoxifies and brightens skin.

Green Apple Peel (Sensitive) – hydroxy-acids exfoliate for visibly improved skin tone and texture, and antioxidants and essential nutrients hydrate and nourish the fresh skin for a glowing result.

Review team: Let everyone know if Juice Beauty’s organic is not just better, but the best!


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. I tried out the Blemish Clearing Serum and I really liked it. The fresh smell of apple and lemon was great! It kind of made me want to go eat an apple, but that is beside the point, on to the product itself. I started out using this every night, and my cat wouldn’t stop licking my nose, she like the taste of it, so I stopped using it for awhile to stop her addiction. In those few nights that I was using it religiously I had not one blemish, so to me, the product was working. But after I stopped using it a for a few days I woke up with two pimples on my face, gag! So I did the spot treatment, once in the morning and then once at night. Within two days those nasty blemishes were gone! I loved the satisfaction I got form the Serum. It took those nasty blemishes away without any hard work on my part. And the best thing of all is it smells great and doesn’t dry out your skin. No tightness, dryness, or and red rash from it at all.

    There was only one thing that bugged me. After a few uses, the dribble that came out of the bottle at the top dried and got really sticky, thus making the lid hard to open and close. But this could be easily fixed if I just took the time to wipe the access off the top…

  2. I got to try the Green Apple Cleansing Gel and the Peel. I had no idea Juice had a core and apple collection. But I looked on their site a bit more after getting these and I guess the apple line is stronger.

    Anyway, I really like the Cleansing Gel a lot. I love the feel of the gel, very light, and it lathers nicely too. And it smells delicious. My skin felt really clean afterward and looked like it did after I exfoliate (sparkling pores!) I would, and will, buy this again.

    The Peel wasn’t a huge hit with me. I didn’t feel like it really did much. It smelled good, but when I washed it off my skin didn’t really look much different than after it did from the cleanser. And I’ve used Peels that after you removed them you’re like “Wow!” Maybe I just need the regular strength, being an old peel pro.

    I’m really liking the sound of the Blemish Serum. I see a purchase of that in the future too!

  3. I had three products to test in the Juice Beauty line. I’ve always been honest (and sometimes brutally honest)…so this will be no exception.

    Sample #1 Juice Beauty Oil-Free Moisturizer. I had a hard time getting past the scent of this product. I know it’s supposed to be earthy and organic…but…I’m very VERY sensitive to smell – probably due to years of my brother burning off my nose-hairs with too much Farenheit cologne when we were younger. That being said, I know that pomegranate is a good mixer with vodka, but I wasn’t sure if slathering it on my face was a good idea.

    Of course, you’re probably looking for what I actually think of the product itself, smell aside…but truth be told, the smell doesn’t linger very long and it’s tolerable shortly after application. I tried it, despite my reservations over the smell. The product is on par with my current Lubriderm regimen – although the moisture feels like it lasts a little longer than Lubriderm.

    That being said, I also noticed two or three of those dreaded BLEMISHES after a week’s usage for a product that is supposed to be oil-free. Of course they could be menstrual cycle-related…but I normally don’t get blemishes anymore. UGH

    The bottom line is – I haven’t decided 100% whether or not I like the product. I’ll have to give it a middle-of-the-road 3 on a 0-5 scale.

    Sample #2 Juice Beauty Hydrating Mist. That dreaded the smell again – but this one is MUCH worse. It smells JUST like bug spray. Even Evan (my son) went YUCK when he smelled it. I chickened out. I couldn’t even work myself up to use it because I couldn’t get past the smell. I attempted to pass it onto my friend who has more of a dewy complexion (and doesn’t have the same penchant for concealer, foundation and powder finish that I have) to see how she likes it. I haven’t heard back from her to see if she experienced the same olfactory assault that I did. I am unable to quantify this product on a 0-5 scale on anything other than the smell. A big ole -0-. If I ever hear back from my friend on what she thought of the product, I’ll post that commentary.

    Sample #3 Juice Beauty Green Apple Cleansing Gel. Believe it or not – I LIKED the smell of this. Light. Not a pungent aroma like the moisturizer or the hydrating mist. I even liked the texture and how easily it can be applied and removed. I really, REALLY like it a lot and would highly recommend it. I would definitely pick up this product. 5 out of 5. Loved it.

  4. I tried the Oil free Moisturizer and the Green Apple Cleansing Gel. Because my skin becomes very oily once summer starts, I was very leery of these products. However, I was plesantly surprised. The cleansing gel was gentle. My skin felt clean without being stripped dry, and I felt like I could go without moisturizer if I chose to. The moisturizer was good too, but a little goes a long way. If you’re heavy handed like me, prepare to have one squirt do your entire face, hands, and neck! Unless you have very dry skin, I would use about 2/3rds of a pea-sized amount.

    The moisturizer made my skin feel smooth and flawless. (Perhaps it was wishful thinking, but it seemed like my pores appeared smaller.) It wasn’t greasy or watery. I was pleased. I just wish that it had a sun block included. Most days I don’t put sunscreen on my shoulders and bare arms, but I always do my face.

    And one more bit of praise before I finish, I took both the moisturizer and the cleansing gel on vacation to a very balmy Florida. My face stayed relatively sheen-free.

  5. I’ve used Juice Beauty products for a few years now and have tried all of the products for review at some point or another. The only ones I’ve repurchased are the peel in regular strength (the sensitive doesn’t do much for me) and the cleansing gel. The regular strength peel (which should be horrible on me because I have sensitive skin, but is surprisingly gentle) works best after you’ve used a scrub to clean your face and prep it–it clears out the pores on my nose like nobody’s business. The cleansing gel is really great for removing makeup and leaving your skin very clean, but still soft.
    The moisturizer broke me out and clogged up my pores. My one sister used it and liked it, but she has dry skin and I have combination/sensitive, so maybe it just didn’t agree with me. I really think this would probably be best for people who have dryer skin but still prefer oil-free moisturizers.
    The blemish clearing serum did help somewhat with a breakout I had at the time, but was almost too gentle. It took only slightly less time to clear up than leaving the blemishes alone. I prefer instant gratification with spot treatment-type products and this didn’t really give me that result.
    The hydrating mist didn’t really do anything for me, so I didn’t bother repurchasing. It might be good for someone who has dry skin and needs to refresh through the day to just keep in their purse.
    If you’re trying to narrow down products to buy from Juice Beauty, I’d definitely recommend the regular strength peel and the cleansing gel–they are fabulous. The other items, definitely try a smaller size first to make sure they’re compatible w/ your skin type.

  6. I’ve been using Juice Beauty products on and off for some time now. I received the Oil Free Moisturizer this time around. Which i’ve used in the past but have since gone back to my regular Ole Henriksen. Anyway, i started using Juice Beauty again and i forgot how much i really like this product. The scent is spot on. Honestly, once its on my face i don’t even notice the scent. Absorbs quickly and my face feels really refreshed. Consistantly this is a stand up company that puts out a great product.

  7. The Green Apple Cleanser is one of my go-to cleansers!
    Smells good and cleans wonderfully without leaving your face feel tight. Plus, I love that I’m putting something pure on my face, not a bunch of stuff I can’t pronounce.

  8. Ashley Andrews says:

    I am OBSESSED with Juice Beauty and was so excited to read this blog! I honestly have not tried a Juice Beauty product that I didn’t like. I’ve reccommended it to all my friends with all different skin types, and they have all fallen in love. If I had to pick a favorite, I would say their Green Apple Peel and their USDA Organic Moisture Concentrate. LOVE IT!

  9. Regarding the Hydrating Mist – I happen to really like the light natural rose smell, and you really need one spritz. However, I always spray three times to the right, middle, then left side of my face- covering my neck too. It a great way to add great ingredients on your face. Especially vitamins A,& C, as well as a lot of others. This is awesome for the beach, or by the pool or in your hot house!

  10. This is only a “semi-official” review coming from me here – because I wasn’t “official” on this review, but I have tried all the products on that list so I’ll give you a brief opinion on each!

    Oil-Free Moisturizer – It’s OK. I always still felt a little slick when I was wearing this. I actually much prefer the Green Apple Moisturizer SPF 30 because it was really brightening. I used it for a bout a year and half solid (but that was about four years ago). My skin was never so clear or smooth or bright as when I was using the SPF 30.

    Blemish Clearing Serum – Thumbs down. I actually thought this made my breakouts worse! It was not for me. Plus it was too sticky.

    Hydrating Mist – Another thumbs down – the smell totally puts me off. It smells sort of….rotting…I can’t think of a better word for it.

    Green Apple Cleansing Gel – I LOOVE to feel squeaky clean and this cleanser definitely does it! It smells good, and really gets all the dirt and oil off your skin. I just wish it took off eye-makeup a little better – because I’m all for elminating that extra step in the evening!

    Green Apple Peel (Sensitive) – Oooh, I love a good peel or mask or exfoliator and this one is awesome. It really smells like you’re slicing open a Granny Smith apple and your skin is smooth and bright and clean after you rinse the peel away. One of my absolute favorite Juice Beauty products!!

    And my absolute favorite Juice Beauty product (for now) is the SPF 30 Green Apple BODY moisturizer. It’s such a fresh and natural smelling body lotion that really nourishes your skin and keeps it hydrated. Plus the extra sunscreen boost is amazing. Here in West Texas (at about 3500ft about sea level) the sun can really beat you and it burns/tans/affects your skin very quickly so I am ALLL about the sunscreen. I do NOT want to look like a rawhide saddle in 15 years!

  11. I love Juice Beauty. I found mine at Sephora a few months ago and ever since i started using it, my skin has gotten soooo much better. All the blemishes and fine lines i had before are gone! NO JOKE! I live by the green apple cleansing gel, antioxidant moisturizer, and the USDA rejuvenating facial mask! I love this stuff!!!

  12. I was inspired to try Juice Beauty a few years ago by Mrs. Krista. I very much enjoy the cleansing gel but my coveted product is the peel. The Green Apple Peel in Full Strength is wonderful. It looks and smells like baby food. It glides on, gives just the right amount of tingle, rinses away and leaves skin glowing. I use this peel every two weeks in the winter and every week in the summer. The most important thing to remember with the full strength is to wear SPF the next day or you will burn.

  13. I have wanted to try Juice products for some time and was excited to give the Hydrating Mist a go. I love fresh smell, reminds me of rose geranium a bit. Perfect for the dry Summer days or over heated humid ones. Like a nice drink for your face laced with a multi-vitamin for your skin. It’s free of Parabens, Sulfates, Synthetic Fragrances, Synthetic Dyes, Petro-Chemicals
    & Phthalates, so sensitive skin folks like me can rest assured there will be no adverse reaction! The 1oz size is perfect for travel as I just found out. Small enough to bring on a plane which totally dehydrates your skin, so it’s a great travel companion to keep your skin from the dehydration blues while airborne.

    It’s really peeked my interest in Juice, I’m anxious to try more. My only suggestion is that you make sure you don’t get any on your lips.. it smells nice but I got some on my lips and it is not a pleasant taste at all. So make sure you keep your lips tightly closed when you spray your face.

  14. I use the SPF20 green apple body moisturizer. It can leave a slight white mark on the skin if you don’t rub it in properly, but otherwise I’ve no complaints. Okay, one slight other one: it’s not as cheap as other SPF body lotions. BUT it doesn’t contain all the nasty stuff, as you mention, Christy. Hurrah!

  15. I have the green apple peel in sensitive and it’s really good. It leaves my face feeling very smooth almost like I’ve put a primer on my face. I would like the full strength though because Sensitive doesn’t do as much for me as the other could.

    I also have the cleansing gel cleanser that I liked but it was too drying on its own so I mixed it with Juice Naturals cleanser and it was perfect.

    I bought the Green Apple Antioxidant moisturizer but it is really too heavy for my oily skin. Sometimes it goes on sticky, like it won’t sink in until I blast my face with a fan.

    All in all, I like the company and will probably buy from them again. I’ll just pick more appropriate products.

  16. I totally love the Blemish clearing serum! IT worked wonders on my under the skin pimples and now my skin is beautiful! My other favorite is the green apple peel. IT makes my skin so beautiful and bright! Between the two of these products i have yet to have another breakout (and iv been using them for a year!)

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