MAC 2010 fall collection sneak preview, kind of…

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MAC 2010 fall collections(photos: we heart this)

This post is going to be the web equivalent of the following conversation:

Me: “I know a really big secret!”
You: “Ooo, what?”
Me: “I can’t tell you….”

Why? Because a week ago, we heart this was invited to an exclusive MAC fall preview event at their Robertson Boulevard pro store. How exclusive? Well, the day that we were there it was just wht and the LA Times. Yeah, that exclusive!

Throw in a date in the makeup chair with two of their most brilliant senior artists (Tiffany Johnston and Christopher Del Castillo), there to apply whatever our hearts desired, lunch with one of MAC’s biggest (and sweetest!) talents, Monique Boyer, and the fact that I finally got to meet the MAC genius and twitter legend Gregory_A
and it was one amazing event.

But most amazing of all? The collections we saw. And here’s the rub; we can’t tell you about most of them. These new collections are guarded like the crown jewels, and rightfully so.

So,why are we telling you anything at all? To get you excited for what’s coming. Because, wait till you see what’s coming!

We got an up close look at (and were allowed to test them all til our hearts content) numerous, top-secret upcoming collections. This fall at MAC you will see soft washes of almost ghostly color, vibrant and dazzling lipsticks and glasses, polishes so richly lush that they are downright regal, new formulas of some old favorites, and one particular fall launch that may just be my favorite collection this year (yes, I think I love it even more then To the Beach! UPDATE: it’s Fabulous Felines…)

We did see some collections we can talk about…

Like the just launched, gimongous In the Groove which has something for everyone. For me; Happy Together mineralize blush duo, a light caramel blush with a pearly beige highlighter. For Tyna; Soften the Mood, a soft brown and baby blue mineralize eye shadow trio. This collection had everyone and their Mother in a total Stereo Rose tissy. I wanted so badly to not believe the hype (as it sadly sold out before I could get it). But I did get to see it in person at this event, and even had the joy of my MA using it on me. I can now say, the hype is legitimate. I am in lurve…

MAC 2010 fall collection

We also saw the very soon to launch, Lady Gaga inspired Dare to Ware (shown above, coming July 29th). This collection features 6 limited edition and 6 permanent, bright, almost primary color eye shadows (including the highly anticipated repromote Going Bananas; a soft lemon yellow frost) and 6 limited edition specially packaged, intensely shiny and holographic sparkled lipglasses. Stay tuned, we’ll be bringing you a review of this fun “yes, it’s still summer” collection soon.

A blonde woman trying MAC 2010 fall collection

Check out the look that the beautiful Tiffany created on me (using the Burmese Beauty Palette from Fabulous Felines). I love what she did to my eyes! It’s such a soft and pretty look. I apologize that my lipcolor wore off by the time I took this. She applied Cunning, a dark, vampy berry lipstick (from the same collection) with a brush for stain effect.

Here are some closer looks (including a glimpse of Stereo Rose MSF on my cheeks, with By Candlelight MSF applied on top)…

MAC 2010 fall collection looks

We heartsters; we promise we will spill the beans the first minute we can. Until then, what upcoming MAC release are you most excited for?


  • Stef Andrews

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. Super jealous! Stereo Rose does have a huge hype around it, but I strongly feel that it’s well deserved hype :) I am excited to see the Disney Villians collection even though the packaging doesn’t blow me away. When I blindly looked at the Rodarte collection photos alone, I thought it looked beautiful, but like most people, I’m not so sure if I can support the names behind the collection…

  2. just to add an update to my comment above: MAC is now changing the names of the products for the Rodarte Collection.

    OH! I’m also excited for the new nail colors that are coming out :)

  3. Stef—Any idea on a timeline on when we can see, test and play with the Fall Collection?

    Could it be sometime this month? (Is that wishful thinking on my part?)

  4. You look so lovely @Stef. They did a great job! I am so looking forward to the Disney collection. It should be a lot of fun!

  5. Oh MAC…every new line launch is like a movie premiere, it’s always kind of exciting!

    And that’s a GREAT look, @stef! I almost thought that those were really great before pictures because you looked so natural and pretty! That’s a great way to show that MAC isn’t always the “LOOK AT ME!!” brand that it’s thought of.

  6. I’m excited for *anything* MAC, and I have to say, @Stef, your lids look positively luminous! Whatever you’re wearing, I want it!

  7. Amanada L. @mandabear – Interesting – thanks for the update!

    StereoRose is awesome – I wish I had picked one up!

    Hollie O @hao9703 – we looked at a half dozen collections at least with a rolling set of release dates through August and September.

    @lyssachelle – The In The Grove collection has some really beautiful colors that are totally wearable. My mineral eye trio Soften The Mood is not quite neutral, so pretty and totally office appropriate (and I mean that in a good way). As a pale girl with features that can not handle bright shades and bold colors, I love that MAC is offering great products for daytime looks (while still banging out the best in night time and clubbing looks on the planet!)

  8. Come on Stef break all the rules, tell us everything we need to know! =)

    The event sounds amazing, how awesome you got all that special VIP makeup treatment. Aww you didn’t get a Stereo Rose? I’m sorry. I didn’t get one either. I want to see the vampy lips!

  9. I really can’t wait for the Disney Villains. I know some people think it’s cheesy but I really want the Maleficent compact! And one of the Evil Queen lipsticks!

  10. I have but one thing to say: Wantwantwantwantwant! LOL

    I’m glad they’re changing the names of the Rodarte collection. I was a little late hearing about all the drama, but I can understand the need for a little more cultural sensitivity. I probably would have bought the products anyway, but I think this shows just how much MAC actually does care.

  11. I agree with you @mandaleem – I’m glad they’re changing the names, too. And I probably wouldn’t have bought them, but may now. I think from the pics I’ve seen that the press photos of the models are horrible – we buy makeup to NOT look like that – “artsy” or not, it’s awful in my opinion…but the actual colors in the bottles and jars looks quite beautiful. Can’t wait to hear about the full details of the other collections and what you girls think when you can really talk about it!

  12. OMG SO JEALOUS! But now I am even more excited (and now that MAC has made reparations re: the Rodarte line), I’m very pleased to hear about the ghostly shades and am willing to try them out.

  13. I just got back from vaca and my cousin got me hooked on lip stick! Can you believe that?? Now I’m excited to see what MAC will have!

  14. Dang! Livin’ the VIP lifestyle ladies! I can’t wait to see the new lines and @stef you look fab as always! I love the glowy/shimmery colors they used on you!

  15. That is so mean that you can’t even tell us. Or show us. How about at least some teaser release dates? I can’t wait to get my booty to the MAC store this fall!

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