MAC Give Me Liberty of London swatches

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MAC Give Me Liberty of London swatches photos: we heart this

In addition to our coverage of the Give Me Liberty of London unveiling party we attended, we’ve got a collection of photos and swatches for you! Be prepared, this collection is going to put a hurting on your wallet…

MAC Give Me Liberty of London pink, orange and purple swatches
Lipstick from left:
Ever Hip – Creamy light coral (Cremesheen)
Peachstock – Neutral peach (Satin, PRO)
Blooming Lovely – Creamy greyed lilac mauve (Amplified)
Petals & Peacocks – Creamy bright magenta pink (Amplified)

Standouts: Can I say all of them? I just did. Peachstock apparently causes quite the commotion (it is not LE, but is PRO only). I feel I should get it while I have the chance. If pressed, I’d have to say Petals & Peacocks (which reminds me of slightly more subtle version of Hollywood Nights from Heatherette) and Ever Hip (which is a bit more sheer than I usually prefer, but is just so light, fresh and summery) are my favorites.

MAC Give Me Liberty of London lipsticks standing up on a table with lid off (from left: Peachstock, Petals & Peacocks, Ever Hip, Blooming Lovely)

MAC Give Me Liberty of London eyeshadow swatches
Eyeshadow from left:
Birds & Berries – Frosted dark green blue (Veluxe Pearl)
Dame’s Desire – Frosty mid-tone reddish purple (Frost)
Bough Grey – Mid-tone bluish grey (Satin)
Free to Be – Creamy true coral (Matte)
Missing from the photo: Give Me Liberty of London – Flat creamy pink (Matte)
This disappeared on the lily-white underside of my arm. I’m hoping it works better on lids!

Standouts: I fall for a beautiful teal every time. Birds & Berries looks like the deep sea, shimmering when the light captures it. And though I own at least 20 grey shadows, Bough Grey seems to somehow be a more perfect grey than every one I already own (my swatch is light, this can be much richer).

MAC Give Me Liberty of London eyeshadow pots purple, pink and peach (from left: Dame’s Desire, Give Me Liberty of London, Free to Be)

MAC Give Me Liberty of London eyeshadow pots in green and gray(from left: Birds & Berries, Bough Grey)

MAC Give Me Liberty of London Lipglass standing up on a gray countertop
Lipglass from left:
Frankly Fresh – Neutral pink beige with soft pearl
A Different Groove – Deep purple brown with pearl
Perennial High Style – Creamy bright pink coral
English Accents – Creamy mid-tone blue pink

Sorry, no swatches on these. But check them out at Temptalia, who always does such an incredible job.

Standouts: I truly need all four. And you may too…

MAC Give Me Liberty of London nail polish in blue and white
Nail Lacquers from left:
Vestral White – Creamy white (Cream)
Blue India – Dark green blue with pearl (Cream)

Standout: Blue India may just be the first MAC polish I ever buy (yes, the first!) It looks very hip, yet very pretty (which is something not all fashion forward shades pull off).

MAC Give Me Liberty of London eyeshadow swatches
Blush from left:
Dirty Plum – Sheer dark plum
Prim & Proper – Neutral nude

Dirty Plum is seems really dark to me. I think this would be better suited for a darker skin tone (or someone with a very light hand). Prim & Proper is pretty, but unless you’re a real blush fanatic, (and I saw plenty of those freaking out over this at the party tonight) I’d skip these and head straight to the Beauty Powders.

MAC Give Me Liberty of London blush one in a pink shade another in a peach shade (from left: Summer Rose, Shell Pearl)

Beauty Powder
Shell Pearl – Pale peach with gold pearl
Summer Rose – Soft violet pink with pearl

Sorry again, no swatches. But head over to Temptalia to see just how amazing they both are. These are apparently both repromotes, but I have neither and desperately need them both! Especially Shell Pearl, which is everything Orgasm is not (meaning, it’s not garishly frosty). You will flip at how smooth these powders feel. They are so finely milled, they honestly feel silk. I feel darker gals may want to skip these, as they are pretty light (kind of a blush/highlighter hybrid).

The collection also has…

Liberty of London Makeup Bags; laminated makeup bags decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the collection. Zip closures boasts a oversized floral pull.
Small: Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 3.5″
Medium: Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 5″

Liberty of London Scarf
A limited-edition scarf designed with an exclusively created floral pattern for the collection. The fabric is a soft wool/viscose blend and is made in Italy. This is pricey at $95, but a real beaute.

I hope you have as much shopping this collection as I did!


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. I love the colors for pretty much everything-especially the eyeshadows (though I’m admittedly partial to shiny things :) )! The Peachy-tone lipsticks in particular are really striking, too. I wonder if any of the MAC counters at the department stores are able to give any samples-I’ve never tried anything MAC before, and there’s so much here that you posted that is just gorgeous. Now I just have to figure out what I want to get to experiment around with (I’ll probably have to ask others for suggestions on that part…..) Thanks for posting this!

  2. I never became a MAC addict like so many but I sure would like me some Blooming Lovely wrapped up in that gorgeous makeup bag!

  3. Wow, good going Ms. Stef! I practically feel like I don’t have to go to the store because you really brought MAC’s “Give Me Liberty of London” Swatches right to us! Great review!
    I’m interested in the Birds & Berries eye shadow, Frankly Fresh lipglass, and Shell Pearl beauty powder. I was just looking at my blush crème from MAC.. It’s called LILICENT (A55) It reminded me of the Summer Rose. Very soft pink. Thanks again.. Fantastic!

  4. Hear that sound? That’s the sound of my checking account weeping… LOL!

    Great swatches! Your skin tone appears pretty close to my own- are these photos with flash?

  5. I have been so excited for the release of this collection that I actually put an alert on my phone to remind me of the release date! The blue/green shadow looks gorgeous and I can’t wait to try the grey…I always go through my greys so fast and can’t seem to get enough of them. This one I may have to double up on. Love the make up bag too…I’m a sucker for cute bags. Looks like I’m going to make a serious dent in my paycheck this month!

  6. I want that makeup bag,and the eye shadows look cool too, and the blue nail polish, and those lip glosses….dang it! haha

  7. Sigh, love them all! How do I pick just a product or two when getting out the atm card? I need to get to a MAC in person so I can play with everything before purchasing (it’s half the fun).

    I’m putting Bough Grey and Give Me Liberty of London eye shadows at the top of my list – I’m a sucker for blues and greys as well as light pinks (for highlighting) the matte is intriguing… I also want to see the English Accents Lipglass and the Blue India Nail polish. And while the last thing I need is another makeup bag, I would love to pick up the LoL one as well.
    .-= Tyna Werner´s last blog ..So simple, so yummy – Vegan “Tuna” Sandwich =-.

  8. When my cousin Athena lived in London, she would send me little trinkets (tiny picture frames and pretty makeup bags) made from Liberty of London’s gorgeous fabrics. I am SO excited about this MAC collection. Thanks for the swatches. I’ve been gazing at the beautiful colors all day. Must have the lipglass… all of them!

  9. I need to get to my local MAC store…I am very pale, but that Dirty Plum blush kinda wants to be mine…along with the lipglass in A Different Groove…
    along with the makeup bag…danggit!!! :P

  10. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never worn Mac even though I know it’s an amazing line. These colors look gorgeous. Not sure what’s been keeping me from trying it, but I think you’ve convinced me to go buy myself something. On a related note, I’m so excited to see the Liberty of London items Target is about to release on March 14th!

  11. Tiffany, I just tried MAC fort the first time this past month! I was embarrassed to!! But what I purchased has been awesome. Give it a try!

    Stef- Would you say that the Birds&Berries could be worn as a somewhat sheer wash all over the lid? Is it subtle enough?

  12. Kellie, I think you could use Birds & Berries as a wash. You’d just need to really tap it off your brush first and go lightly. It would be fabulous smudged just along your lashes as a liner too (if you’re worried about too much color). This is def. my favorite e/s for the collection!
    .-= stef´s last blog ..MAC Give Me Liberty of London Unveiling party =-.

  13. Ok Stef, now I am sold on Birds & Berries. This will end up being my second MAC eyeshadow purchase. Yay! Although I am so enamored with the first purchase that I may purchase a back-up as it is LE. The other MAC LOL item that I am lemming for is the blue nail polish. So pretty!!

  14. No need to be embarrassed if you’ve never or just tried MAC, it’s never too late!

    I used to get a bit overwhelmed when I went into a MAC store. Just. So. Much! But use the MA’s, they really are so helpful. I’ve got my favorites now, but if you’re new to a store, pick one who’s makeup you like (they have on WAY more than you’d normally wear, but they’re supposed to! The men are always fun too.) Then ask away. I think it’s helpful to go in with a plan “I need a pink lipstick”. Then let them show you the options.

    Kellie, Blue India is beyond beautiful in person!

    Hey, I realized I never told ya’ll what I bought!
    Birds & Berries
    Bough Grey

    beauty powder:
    Shell Pearl (Blush lovers, you need this. Krista, I’m looking at you)

    Ever Hip

    I somehow in the flurry of excitement forgot lipglass! But I’m heading back for:
    English Accents (I don’t buy pink often, but this is divine)
    Perennial High Style (I need another coral like a whole in the head, but I’ve got a problem, ok?!)
    .-= stef´s last blog ..MAC Give Me Liberty of London Unveiling party =-.

  15. I tried to upload a new avatar so you could all see my new LOL top from Target that I wore for Easter! (but I’m not sure it worked) You can’t tell in the picture but I’m also wearing Birds and Berries eye shadow to match the top! What’s really cool about this particular shade is that it matches all THREE lol tops I bought – I didn’t plan it that way and the tops don’t look anything alike, I think they must’ve coordinated the makeup colors to match anything you buy, no matter what! Very cool. I’m very impressed with the Target clothing line and the makeup line. By the time I got to the MAC counter they were pretty picked over with the lipsticks and glasses, so i couldn’t find anything that worked for me there, but there are so many colors in the tops that it’s not hard to find a shade in your own collection to match if you have all the basics. Loving LOL!!

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