Perricone MD Blue Plasma Orbital Review
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Eyes finally get the chance to join in on the potent fun
We’ve all been there. You pick up that potent skin care product that you love – the one that’s working wonders on your face – and you seriously consider using it around your eyes. As in smothering your crow’s feet with it. But you pause, check the label and you’re greeted with some variation of what you already know: not for use on eye area.
This is often the case for me, a peel addict. All those highly exfoliating products, going to town on the damaged skin cells on my face, revealing fresh new skin – they make my eyes seriously jealous!
Well not anymore. Perricone MD has released Blue Plasma Orbital ($65), a peel for your eye area. That’s right, read it again – a PEEL for your eye area! It’s gentle but incredibly effective, and folks, it’s a game changer.
Following on the heels of the Blue Plasma peel, Perricone MD Blue Plasma Orbital does for eyes what its predecessor does for the face. Basically, giving wrinkles and tired skin a run for their money. Both non-acidic and non-abrasive, it exfoliates dead surface skin to leave your peeper region noticeably smoother.
Some of you may be thinking the words “eyes” and “peel” shouldn’t be in the same sentence. You are right to pause. The skin around your eyes is thinner and therefore more delicate than the rest of your face, and uber-sensitive to irritation. So, how did Perricone MD pull it off? They say Blue Plasma Orbital “bio-specifically” attacks only the skin that needs to go. Then, once you’ve revealed the new skin, it soothes it and reduces puff.
Its ingredients include some foodie-ish ones: Salmon Egg Enzyme (to exfoliate), Plankton Extract (tightens and de-puffs) and Licorice Derivative (soothes and attacks redness). Some people report a fishy smell; I don’t agree. It just smells kind of fresh to me.
Here’s my low down: I. Love. This. Product. As an aforementioned peel fan, this does what I have always dreamed of for my eye area; gets rid of dry tired-looking skin and leaves behind fresh well-rested looking skin. All without stinging or any negative reactions. I’ve been using it steady for about a month now (at night, with an eye cream in the am) and I notice the difference. Products glide on better and smile crinkles don’t look as deep.
But don’t believe me, believe the Doctor. Dr. Perricone is a five-time New York Times best selling author with a 3-tiered approach to skincare: an anti-inflammatory diet, nutritional supplements and topical treatments. Blue Plasma Orbital falls in the 3rd-tier. And if its results are any inclination of his knowledge, I’m ready to pop some pills and eat some nuts. Because Dr. Perricone knows his stuff.
And call me crazy, but I don’t think $65 is too bad for an eye product that produces results. I had a co-worker tell me I looked “well rested” the other day – on my typical 5 hours of sleep. I’d pay twice as much to hear that more often!
So, where are my fellow peel addicts at – are you excited by the thought of Blue Plasma Orbital?
photos: we heart this
Stef is many things. Amongst them: co-editor of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie.
skin tone: NC 25/30
skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea
favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products
This sounds like a great product! I’m definitely planning on trying it. Dr. Perricone is amazing.
Dont’ you love it when a product works! I like Perricone MD products and wish I was loaded with lots of money to get his whole line! Glad to hear you really like this one! I’ll have to see for myself now too! Great review, as always!
I love peels, I love eye products, and I really love Perricone MD. I agree, @stef – $65 sounds almost reasonable for a product that works so well. Based on your review, this goes right to the top of my must-have list!
YES! YES! YES! I also have eyes that are jealous because almost all peel products are for the face not eyes. I would love to try this product. I have read a couple of Dr. Perricone’s books and learned a lot.
I used Perricone’s “Cold Plasma” on my neck and was ecstatic with the results. I like the ingredients. I’m a little taken aback that it’s a peel, but it would be an interesting way to refresh and rejuvenate. This is one of those products worth the hefty price tag.
The blue in this looks amazing. I feel like this would be the perfect “wake-me-up” for my tired eyes.
I love that this works, but I also LOVE how sci-fi the gel is! Maybe it’s the name (Blue Plasma Orbital…sounds like a space weapon…) or the translucent blue color, but before I even read the review, I saw the photo and when “Oooo…”
But yeah, I’m glad it works too! :-) And the price tag is large, but I bet that container lasts a pretty long time. I’m in need of a good peel, so I’m off to the archives to see your other favorites, and I’ll add Blue Plasma Orbital (LOVE IT) to my Christmas list!
This stuff looks awesome. Love the name, the color, everything!
OHMYGOSH it totally looks like something from a sci-fi movie!!! Good to hear that it works too, especially at that price.
I can’t find the Blue Plasma Orbital in stores near me. How come? Has it been discontinued?