Seriously, could we heart Benefit any more?

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Reviews of the latest; Scene Queen palette, The POREfessional and Tweezerman for Benefit.

photos: we heart this

Here at wht, we talk about Benefit a lot. As a matter of fact, they’re one of the top three brands we talk about most! But one can understand our reasoning; they consistently release fabulous products. Why, like these 3 right here…

Scene Queen ($38) is the most ingenious palette I’ve seen cross my vanity in some time! It’s one of two new palettes released by Benefit’s new makeup trend artists; Maggie and Annie, the twin founder’s daughters/nieces. (Side note, how lucky are these ladies? Can you imagine if your Mom invented Benefit?!)

Scene Queen is from The Annie Collection and is the warmer of the two palettes (cool toned gals, check out Sunday Funday, from the Maggie collection). How much do I love this palette? Let me count the ways…

1. Would you look at that mirror? It’s giant (3.25 x 4.75 inches). It props up so you can see into it a good angle. And best of all, it’s a great mirror. There’s nothing I hate more than a good palette with a cheap, fun house mirror. (Take a peek at the adorable packaging by London-based illustrator Nikki Farquharson too!)

2. It has a whopping eight items! Plus two double ended high-quality brushes and the cutest blush brush I’ve ever seen. Smokin’ Liner eyeliner, High Beam highlighter and Coralista blush are all pretty tiny. But the four shadows and the exclusive Juicy Coral lip gloss are nicely sized.

3. About those eye shadows, talk about perfect! The number of combos you can come up with is huge; smoky blue, smoky charcoal, a wash of champagne beige with a cat eye, a pop of bright blue in the corners of your eyes with a mess navy lid, to name just a few. There’s not a throwaway color included. I’m pretty sure if this palette were scientifically tested, it would be deemed the most perfectly chosen eye shadow combination ever!

So, have I convinced you yet? You need Scene Queen.

(a Picasso-esque look at a smoky blue eye, a neutral day look and that fabulous Juicy Coral lip gloss)

The POREfessional ($28) tackles one of skin’s biggest issues, pores! It’s a lightweight, translucent balm said to make them near invisible and leave you with baby smooth skin. Can be used under or over makeup. Love that this is oil-free! Pore challenged tester Sherri will be along in the comments to fill you in on the rest.

Tweezerman for Benefit tweezers ($30) are as cute as they are useful. If you don’t already own Tweezerman tweezers, you must not pluck your eyebrows. Or stray chin hairs. Or have ever had a splinter. Because these are the best tweezers on the planet, period. So, if you don’t own them, I suggest scooping these adorable ones up. These are the pointed slant tips (really good for the pesky hairs that are just breaking the surface, that you can feel and almost not even see.) They also offer a non pointed slant tip. Tyna will be echoing my statements in her comment, I’d bet on it!

How about it ladies, what are you loving most from Benefit this summer?

Disclosure: This review includes products that were provided by the manufacturer/PR firm for our consideration. It also contains an affiliate link, a link that gives us a small commission if you purchase the item. For more info, or any questions, please see our disclosure policy.


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. Okay, @stef, I’m already obsessing over that perfect palette! Benefit has outdone itself yet again. Scene Queen, I will have you! I’m also filled with desire for Benefit’s Smokin’ Eyes palette. Is it wrong that I want both palettes? Can a girl ever have too many smoky eye options? I think not!

    Tweezerman really does make the best tweezers on earth. How perfect that they’ve joined forces with Benefit. I don’t own a pointed slant tip version, so that goes on my shopping list, too!

  2. Benefit rocks, they are probably one of my top 5 favorite cosmetics brands ever.

    The tweezers are super cute and I love Tweezerman. In fact since somehow my pair of Tweezerman’s got messed up, I need some new ones. Hmmm :)

  3. I love Benefit! I was just at Ulta and somehow missed this compact. (I must have been blind because I want this!) As someone who travels a lot for work, Benefit really is a necessary essential ingredient. I do not know any other makeup line that packs so much in such a small package.

    I love PoreProfessional and have been using it for more than a couple months. The small tube packs a punch and is an essential ingredient in my daily routine. It camouflages my redness and other problems. I have sensitive skin and this product did not irritate my skin. My only complaint is that I wish it came in a XL version as well.

  4. @ Steph—I need to broaden my Benefit horizons and check out the Sephora exclusive products.

    When I was at Ulta, I was told that there are going to be some AMAZING things coming from Benefit at Christmas time. I can’t wait to see them.

  5. I want that Scene Queen palette SO badly! I’ve been wanting to get my mitts on Coralista for a while, but I may need to upgrade to full-on palette…you guys are SUCH enablers!

  6. @stef you had me at the coral gloss! I am such a sucker for the shade, that as soon as I saw the picture, I was sold!
    Great palette! Wonder if I can get it in time for my vacation???

  7. I want everything mentioned in this post!! The whole palette is fantastic looking and I need those tweezers!! I’m so picky about the shape of tweezers I use and these look perfect! Plus I love the yellow design!

  8. I agree with you Krista…major enablers on this site! This palette looks gorgeous. I think I must have it :)

  9. I need POREfessional now!!!!!! My large pore situation always seems to be worse in the summer. It’s like they are giant swimming pools filled with grease. Sick, I know!!
    And Scene Queen looks amazing!!! I love a genius palette. They are such time, money, and space savers. I will have to save up my pennies for this one. It absolutely sounds worth it.

  10. Stef, the palette arrived today from Sephora, so swiftly that I suspect my urgent need to possess it must have bled through the holes in the computer and into the ears of the shipper. “Faster, faster! JustJoan is JustDesperate.” Whatever, it surprised me on my arrival home, and I practically tore the box open with my teeth in the elevator. My eagerness was not crushed by disappointment, oh no. This is everything you said and then some. Love those shadows, so finely milled and easy to blend. My new, short haircut demands attention in the eye department and these will deliver. The lip gloss was amazing, the mirror was a dream and all the brushes, tiny though they were, are all perfectly functional and up to the task required of them. I’m in palette love. Again.

  11. Yes, pore challeged I am! I really like this product a lot because it works well on its own or under makeup. It has a silicone-y fee as many primers do, but (as many primers do NOT) it doesn’t slip. The color is indeed translucent and neutral, making your skin appear smooth and not just filled-in. I used this on my nose and cheeks and have been very happy with the results.
    I also always report when my significant other, Greg, snatches up my testing products; I think it’s a barometer of a product’s worth to see something made for women coveted my metrosexual males. Well, Greg uses this. Yes he does. His slightly sun-damaged skin left his sensitive self with large-ish pores on his nose. All I will say is that he and I both use this daily and he does not look as though he is wearing makeup (sorry honey, and I hope you don’t read this…)

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