Shape Matters! Let the Smashbox Full Exposure Palette help you see why…

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If you would have asked me a month ago what shape my eyes were, my answer probably would have been “umm, eye shaped?” Because the truth is I really didn’t give it much thought, especially when it came to the relation to my eye shadow. But Smashbox is making it their mission to teach us that #ShapeMatters. Then, giving all of us the Full Exposure palette ($49) to put the knowledge into action!

How’s it all work? First step is determining whether your eyes are almond, round, upturned, downturned, monolid or hooded. Check out this easy to follow video for help with your answer…

Simple, right? Now for the fun part; using eye shadow to emphasize your shape. That’s were this beauty comes in!



Full Exposure is 14 stunning neutral shades ranging from light nude to black and arranged in perhaps the most ingenious palette layout ever. There are shimmer and matte versions of each shade, the lightest shades are located in the center with warm tones on the left and cool tones on the right. But don’t think you have to stay warm or cool when applying. The shades are so flattering that mixing and matching is totally fine.

The shadows are fabulous; the mattes are velvety and the shimmers are mesmerizing, with both being very blendable. It’s the kind of palette that you let out an “ooh” when you see for the first time, and a bigger “OOH” when you apply!

Smashbox-Full-Exposure-palette-6Here are shades S1, M1, S2, M2, S3, M3

Smashbox-Full-Exposure-palette-7And here’s S4, M4, S5, M5, S6, M6, S7, M7


Full Exposure also includes a high quality specially designed double ended brush; fluffy for blending the matte shades and dual-toned flat for subtly laying down the shimmers (black bristles on one side, white on the other, so you never soil shades. How smart is that?)


But this palette isn’t just pretty. There’s a lot of knowledge involved. Smashbox has nine years of research and the study of more than 5,000 eyes behind it!

Following the instructions that come with the palette (with three looks for each eye shape; day, night and refined) here’s how I did the night look for my almond shaped eyes.


1. Sweep a light shade across entire lid, from lashline to browbone. I chose M5.

2. To contour and add definition, add a medium shade in a V shape along upper lashline and crease. In the photo you see M6, pre blending so the V is more apparent.

3. Accentuate the outer corner with a dark shimmer shade. I smoked things up with S7.

4. My own step, a smudged black liner combined with M7.

Smashbox-Full-Exposure-palette-9Hubs told me I looked like Cleopatra! Not very accurate, but I’ll take it.

It’s the kind of palette that encourages a good selfie! And Smashbox wants to see them. Show off the look you create for your eye shape with the Full Exposure palette using #shapematters on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or uploaded directly to They’re giving away 1,000 eye shadow primers, up to 500 Full Exposure Palettes and a trip to LA for two (I just uploaded mine yesterday!)

How about it we heartsters, do you think shape matters?

Smashbox_Logo_BlkSmashbox lives for lipstick. Gets excited about primers. (No, seriously, they do.) But most of all, they love sharing their makeup secrets with you. That’s why they’ve created the Full Exposure Palette—a set of universally awesome neutrals that’s essential, effortless and enhanced for your eye shape! This palette was developed because their pros needed it on set at Smashbox Studios in L.A. Just like you dress for your body shape, it’s important to apply makeup based on your eye shape—so Smashbox artists are exposing all of their secrets to get the most out of your shape with this palette. It’s all about being your most kickass beautiful self at Smashbox.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Smashbox via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions Smashbox.


  • A woman with blonde bangs smiling for the camera.

    Stef is a plethora of things. Amongst them: co-founder of we heart this, photographer, condiment connoisseur, Philly girl in the California desert, borderline hoarder and a hardcore beauty junkie. She also has a touch of wanderlust and, arguably, the cutest dog in the whole world... skin tone: NC 25/30 skin type: oily with a fear of rosacea favorite beauty product: high end skincare and lip products

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  1. ooh, I had no idea Smashbox used this palette to help you work with your eye shape. That’s genius actually. Especially for me – I have hooded eyes, and not all eyeshadow tutorials and methods work for my eye shape. I’m hearing loads of praise for this palette lately…Maybe I should do a little swatch fest at the store. I love the look you picked out for yourself @stef!

    1. You are preaching to the hooded eye choir! I see so many looks that are hard to replicate on our type of eyelids…

  2. That’s a gorgeous palette, and I love the look you created, @stef ! Your step #4 (smudging your liner with the shadow) ties everything together beautifully. Like @mandabear, I didn’t know that #ShapeMatters… so thanks, Smashbox!

  3. This video was super informative, and confirmed my almond shaped, hooded eye self-diagnosis. I love the idea of tailoring the palette to one’s particular eye shape, and the pretty “Cleopatra” look shows the shades off perfectly.

  4. That video is pretty cool!
    I found that my eyes are almond shape :) Now to the fun part, I would love to get this cool palette and try on different looks!

  5. OOOOooh, I enjoyed that informative video! Thanks!!!
    I’ve got almond eyes baby! Smashbox really has always been a favorite of mine.. this really looks gorgeous on you! And your eyes @stef, they look so pretty!!

  6. Oooo, this is fascinating. I knew vaguely about working with your eye’s shape, but a palette with instructions for all types? This is awesome. I already wanted the palette just for the colors, but that dual sided brush is making me a bit weak in the knees.

    According to the video (which I understood just fine without sound, don’t let work deter you, ladies! :-) ) I have down-turned eyes. I really was wavering between that and almond shaped, but looking at @stef‘s almond eyes, mine are definitely down-turned. I’ve already taken a peek at my video, so I’m excited to try the new techniques this weekend. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do it with a Full Exposure Palette soon! (Who needs Valentine’s Day flowers?? Gimme makeup!)

  7. That’s so cool to have how to’s for each eye shape. I think I am either round or almond so I will have to try both. The compact is awesome too… lots of neutral colors and options.

  8. I like the concept of the videos/pamphlet paired with a good all-around palette. I think it’s especially good as a next step for women who want to do more than just one all over lid color, but aren’t quite sure how to go about it.

  9. I learned from “meimeimakeup” on YouTube, that there is actually more to the black and white double sided end of the brush than just colour. The black part of the brush is natural, and the white half is synthetic. When using the shimmery shadows, if you want it to “pack on” thickly, then use the synthetic side! With the natural side, your shadow doesn’t appear as shiny because the eyeshadow “adheres” to the brush.

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