DIY Home: Pipe Leg Coffee Table
Getting crafty with Home Depot and a curb-side find! Home Depot is one of those stores that I could spend days browsing. It personifies DIY. Often, if I want to work on a project but I am fresh-out of ideas, I take a stroll around the aisles and inspiration inevitably finds me! When…

DIY Jewelry: Grommet Cuff
Create these rockin’ cuffs in just minutes! This DIY Jewelry project makes a hip, homemade, last-minute gift, or a brag-worthy accessory for your cute self. Even better, once you have all the supplies in hand, it is, literally, a five minute project – start to finish! Supplies: • Leather cuff • Grommets • Leather hole…

Thrift Store Score Vol. 3 – Paoli silk scarf quilt
Plus Some Tips for Hitting the Thrift Shop Jack Pot! Being a frugal gal, with funky taste, I am a HUGE thrift store advocate. For whatever reason upon moving to North Carolina, it took me 6 months to discover the local thrift shops (I must have been busy unpacking). But the first week I had…

DIY Home Decor: Doily Bowls
These are not your Grandmother’s doilies! OK, well, maybe they are – but how about putting them to a good use? For our latest DIY Home Decor project, we’ll be turning those old-fashioned doilies into pretty and useable bowls. Supplies: • Doilies • White Glue or Fabric Stiffener • Paintbrush or Spoon for stirring •…

DIY Garden: Hand-Stamped Metal Markers
Who needs expensive, mass-produced markers, when you can make your own with this DIY garden project? For a fraction of the cost, you can add a whole-lot-a-charm to your herb, veggie, or flower beds. These herb markers were made by metal-stamping stainless-steel utensils. I used a combination of our old cutlery and some pieces I…

DIY Garden Project: Topsy Turvy Flower Planter
The season of gardening and flowers is upon us! Looking for a striking DIY garden project that you can whip up in an afternoon? Add some height and visual drama to your landscape with this easy-peasy, topsy-turvy planter. Supplies: • rebar – about 6 feet • Sledge hammer or mallet • 1 large clay pot…

DIY Garden – Wood Burned Vegetable Markers
Craft these Markers and See How your Garden Grows! It’s spring. Time to get started if you are planning to grow your own vegetables this summer. This year, we built a raised garden bed because the soil in our area is compacted sand and clay. You can do it too! When you make a raised…

The Shay House Healthy Smoothie Recipe
In North Carolina, the weather has been gracing us with a glimpse of spring. There are pink buds on the Dogwood trees, the birds are flying in from their winter vacay in Miami, and our local landscapers have been up to their ears in mulch. It’s time to think about preparing for bathing suit season…